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(Kirstie's POV)

Ugh I can't sleep anymore after Scott brought me home. I decide to check twitter on my laptop since I forgot my phone at Scott's house. What am I gonna do? I am sooooooo bored.

I decide that I am gonna walk over to Avi's place and talk with him for a bit. I decide not to bring up the lying thing just yet.

I knock on the door and hear a groan, then Avi answers the door. He looks mad, I wonder if he knows, or is he mad cuz I woke him up? I don't know, oh well, he can't stay mad at me for too long!

(Avi's POV)

I groan as I get up to answer the door. I am mad, who has the nerve to knock at someone's door at 3 AM. Once I answer the door I see Kirstie. What is she doing here?

"Avi, are you mad at me?" She asks, god, she looks so cute in her pajamas.

"What, no. I could never be mad at you!" I say as I bring her in. "So what's up Kirst?"

"Nothing, I can't sleep." She says, staring at me, I assume my eyes, I think.

"Somethin' on your mind?" I ask her and rub one of my eyes.

"No, not really, I just was bored so I came over here." She sounds like she is implying something.

"At 3 AM? That's not normal, Kirst." I say bluntly.

"Yeah, well, I'm not normal." Wow, that was sassy...

"So either you came here to sleep or you came here because you have something we need to talk about."

"Neither I just came here to occupy myself." She says and yawns. I check my watch to see that we have been talking or about an hour.

"Well now it is 4 AM, want some breakfast then?" I ask and smile at her. I see her blush and lower her head in an attempt to hide it. She is adorable.

"Sure, I guess." Why is she all of the sudden being so shy? She never gives indirect answers.

"Okay then. I will get to cooking." I say and smile again.

"Can I help!" Kevin comes in shouting as soon as he heard 'breakfast.' Sometimes he is just like me I swear.

"Yes Kevin you can help." I say while laughing. When breakfast is done, Kirstie is no longer in the living room.

"Where did she go?" I ask Kevin. He shrugs his shoulders and I ask him to set the table while I find Kirstie.

Her car is still here. Her keys are on the table along with her phone. I decide to go upstairs where mine and Kevin's rooms are. My door has a mirror on it just in case anyone was to rummage through my room. From the mirror I see Kirstie holding my phone attempting to find something. I decide to see if she will tell the truth or lie.

I walk to the stairs and shout;

"Hold on Kevin I am just gonna grab Kirstie so we can eat!" I am still looking at the mirror as I walk to my room to see Kirstie lock the phone and tuck it in my pillow case. I walk in the room to see Kirstie lying on my bed, staring at me.

"What are you doing in my room?" I say letting out a fake laugh that sounded actually real.

"I was admiring your room, I also took a look at Kevin's room but your is cooler and Kevin's is hotter. So I stayed in here because I was warm." She says and stares at me wondering if I saw her.

"Okay then! Let's eat food is ready!" I say. She gets up and I put my arm around her as we walk.

Once we eat, Kirstie leaves because she was tired. I walk up to my pillowcase and dig my phone out.

I unlock my phone to find that she was looking through ALL of my text messages, oddly, starting with Scott, who wasn't even the first or last on the list.

Did she really just invade my privacy like that? She doesn't trust me one bit? Why would she do this? Can I even want to date her now that she wanted to play spy? All these questions run through my head and I fall asleep. Thinking about what to do about Kirstie.


Hey my Dragons! Wassup! Okay so, I hope you guys like this chapter. If you ever want help or have any questions about me or my writing feel free to message me, and, yeah so goodnight guys I will hopefully write more stuffs for the other two books tomorrow! Bye!

The One She Loved (Kavi/Scirstie)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن