Chapter 10: Only One Option

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(Kirstie's POV)

I walked into Scott's apartment and I saw another girl there. I kinda, may have, got jealous...
I walk up to Scott and pull him aside from his movie with the girl.

"Who is that?"

"That is my girlfriend." He says back.

"When did you get a girlfriend?!" I whisper yell.

"When you took to long to choose me or Avi." I flinch at his words. He doesn't know how hard of a decision it is.

"You are careless and idiotic, you know that?!" I am still whisper yelling.

"No, you are indecisive." I feel tears well up from Scott's words.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I retort.

"Ask yourself that first! Why was it so hard for you to choose me over Avi? Why couldn't you choose me." Now tears are welling up in his eyes.

"That is so selfish Scott. This isn't like you." With that I walk out of Scott's house. I can't believe him.
I decide to call Mitchie but he isn't home so now I don't have anyone to talk to since Kevin is doing a bit of touring for his new EP. I decide to do something that I never thought I would do.

"I have to quit. And call Avi." I say to myself. As I am driving home I am not paying attention to where I am going. I see another car directly in front of me.
Wait it shouldn't be there. I quickly swerve to the right expecting a ditch but I am still on the road and the other person is in the ditch. I hear the ear piercing sound of metal crunching and see the nice blue car go into the ditch forcefully with an impact that would make anyone cringe.

"I was in the wrong lane..." I immediately stop my car and get out. Once I get a good look at the car I scream and sprint towards it. I see the driver get out of the car and lay down. At least he is still alive. I witness all of the wounds they have thanks to me. I immediately call an ambulance.

"One last question. Do you know this person?" The operator asks me.

"Yes I do." I reply. "His name..."

"Is Avi Kaplan."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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