Chapter 3

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I woke up, and blinked until my eyes adjusted to the darkness. The clock read 2 am. I breathed a heavy sigh, and stared up at the ceiling, unsuccessfully falling back to sleep. Dean was snoring softly in the other bed. I so badly wanted to go lay next to him, and put my arms around him. Screw it, i thought. I slid off the bed, making sure it didnt creak. Dean looked so peaceful, and so perfect. Before laying next to him a stumbled into the bathroom. I realized i had gone to sleep in my clothes. I put on some pajama shorts and a tank, with my push-up bra on too, of course. I flipped the light off, and climbed into bed with Dean. I didnt want to wake him, so i just went to sleep next to him.
Sunlight shown through the scraggly red curtains and onto the bed. I was up against Dean's chest, and he had his arms wrapped around me. We mustve moved alot in out sleep. I didnt want it to end. Then Dean woke up. "Cierra? Son of a bitch, you scared me! Howd u get over here?" I felt so embarrased. "It was really cold last night. Really cold. We um mustve shifted in our sleep" I replied nervously. Dean laughed. Then he looked down my shirt. So glad i wore that bra. Im pretty sure he noticed me noticing him noticing me, or my cleavage atleast. Our eyes met, and we exchanged knowing glances. "Well, we should probably get going" he said sadly. I wanted him to kiss me so bad. "Yeah, okay" i replied. "Im gonna hit the showers first though" he said before grabbing a towel out of the linen closet and "hitting the showers".
I combed my hair, and got dressed for the day. Then the lights began to flicker. "Dean" i shouted through the door. Before i could finish, he burst out of the door, in nothing but a towel around his waist. I stifled a laugh. "What? You think this is funny?" He said with a teasing smile. I just nodded, still smiling. Then the demons kicked down the door. "Time to gank some bitches" Dean smirked, and then continued to kick every demons ass. He pulled his knife out of the last demon. And then the towel fell to the ground. I saw everything, before turning around, and bursting out in laughter. "Dammit" Dean shook his head, smiling anyway. "Hey, who needs clothes, lets become nudists" I smirked and continued to mock him. Dean finally got dressed, and sat down to put on his boots. I got up and sat beside him. "Yes?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I um need to show you something" i said totally serious. "What is it?" Dean asked. I didnt say a word. Instead, i pulled my self into his lap, and kissed him. Full on the lips. Dean put his hands on my sides, and pulled me into him. He layed down, so i was on top of him. We madeout heavily for about 5 minutes, before he started taking off his shirt and then my shirt. Then his pants. But i hesitated before taking off mine. "Are you alright?" His voice was deep and smooth. "Dean can i tell you something?" "What?" He asked. "Im kinda a virgin.." I glanced down. "If your not ready, its okay." Dean cupped my face in his hands. "Dean i really like you! I dont wanna give this up, because i dont want to take a risk. Maybe we could wait till tonight, and do something more planned and special?" Dean thought about it for a moment. "I could try, but honestly, ive never really had more than a one night stand." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Okay, well then its a date" i exclaimed with a smile. Dean all of a sudden got up. "Lets go". It didnt take a genius to realize, he had an erection. I grabbed my bag, and finally left the ugly ass motel room.

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