Chapter 9

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I woke up to Dean shaking me. I rolled over to look at him. His green eyes were filled with concern. "Cierra.. Are you gonna be alrigt? I know this has to be alot on you.." Dean said sympathetically. "I dont know. I just miss my life and my family and i just.. I dont understand..why me?" I sighed. Dean just shook his head." I dont know. I wish i did." He replied. He pulled me up off the bed into a hug and kissed me on the forehead. "Um, Cas is leaving so if you want to say bye.." Dean said. "Yeah.." I replied and went down the stairs. Cas was already half way out the door. I ran after him calling his name. He stopped and turned around. "Cas.. I barely knos you but im scared and your the only one that really knows whats going on with me" i whined to him. "I dont know how to help you.. Im sorry." Cas said softly. "Goodbye" he said lastly before walking out the door. I felt tears coming down my cheeks. Dean walked out. "Are you okay??" He ran up to me. "I just need to be alone"i cried and i ran away from him. I ran through the bunker. I jist wanted some peace. I found what looked to be a basement and entered, quietly shutting the door. I walked through it. There were bookcases filled with boxes and old books and wierd jars. I came to the back of the room, and slid down the wall onto the cold floor. The tears came down harder. Then i immediatly stopped. There was a voice coming from somewhere in the room. "Well hello darling" a deep british voice said..

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