Chapter 7

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The next few days were the same as the first. Flipping through old books, listening to rock n roll, and having sex with Dean. We decided we didn't want any real relationship though, so we just stayed friends...with benefits.. I pulled a leftover burrito out of the fridge, and sat down to eat it. "This tastes weird.." I thought. Then I felt something in my stomach. I threw the burrito on the table, and ran full speed to the bath room. I puked my entire lunch into the toilet. I wiped my mouth with a towel, and slumped down against the wall. Dean walked in. "Are you alright?" He wondered. "I dont know" i cried. I was really scared because it was the time of the month when i should of had my period, and i wasnt and now i was also puking. I couldnt stop thinking about the fact that we didnt use a condom that one night. I decided i needed to know for sure. I needed to know if i was pregnant. I couldnt ask dean to drive me to a store though, he couldnt know. I went down stairs. " Sam?" I said. "Yeah?" He replied. "Can u drive me to the store? I really need to get something, and i just cant ask Dean. Please." I gave him my puppy eyes. "Yeah, okay" Sam grabbed the keys, and we drove to the nearest mini mart. I ran in and went straight to the isle with feminine products. I grabbed a pregnancy test, and quickly paid for it. "Is everything okay?" Sam got a crease in his forehead that made him look so fuckin adorable. "Yeah, i guess" I sighed, trying not to cry. "Sam, i think im pregnant." I looked up at him and our eyes met. He still had a concerned look. He pulled me in closer and hugged me, then kissed me on the forehead. "Please dont tell Dean yet" i begged. "I wont, put promise me, you will. Ya know, if you are... Pregnant.." He almost choked on the word. I didnt blame him. When we got back i ran straight past Dean, and into the bathroom. I pulled out the test, and peed on the thing. I waited. Pondering whether i would be able to sigh with relief, or gasp with fear.

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