Chapter 8

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I let out a deep sigh of relief. I started crying, with happiness. A big weight had been lifted off my shoulders. But i couldnt help but wonder, if i wasnt pregnant.... than why had i missed my period? All the answers did, was lead to more confusion. I threw the test in the trash, making sure to cover it with tissues so no one would see. As i was sitting down at the table, i heard a rumble. The boys must be leaving for another case or something. I decided to get some rest after a long day of stress. When i woke up, Dean and Sam were down stairs with some hot guy in a trench coat. They were bickering and the hot guy was eating a burrito. "Hey guys" I smiled at the hot guy. "Hey. This is Cas, hes an angel.Hes not one of the dick angels" Dean said with a smile. "Nice to meet you" Cas said while chewing his burrito. "You too" I replied. Then he put his burrito down, and looked at me concerned. "What are you?" "What?" I said confused. "I can feel your grace, mostly, grace, and evil, but human too, but the human part, its almost...slipping away.." I put my hands to my face. What if i was transforming into only angel demon, no humanity?? What the fuck was i gonna do??? "Ohmygawd... I- I dont want to be totally angel demon!" I cried to Cas. Dean tried to comfort me, but i ran away. I curled up on Deans bed, and put in my earbuds. "The final cut" by Pink Floyd, came on the radio, and i started sobbing. It brought back so many memories. And now they were all gone. You cant hug a memory.

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