Chapter 17

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For the next few weeks I stayed with Crowley. He was helping me get rid of the angelness inside of me. And with every kill, every sip of alchohol, and every one night stand, i could feel it slipping away. But i couldnt totally get rid of it. I hated it. Like a taste lingering on the tip of your tongue. Crowley said if i really wanted to be a demon i had to reach down deep and do the one thing i was really afraid to do. But i didnt know what it was yet. Crowley and I strolled into yet another bar, and sat down. Then something caught my eye. Three middle aged men sitting at a table across the room. I couldnt believe my eyes. Dean, Sam, and Cas. All the memories flashed before my eyes, and i felt a pang in my heart. I shook it off, until i felt nothing again. "Look who it is." I pointed them out to Crowley. "We should go say hi?" I said to Crowley. "Darling theyre hunters, you have to be done with them." Crowley said. I watched them slowly get up and stroll out the door. I saw Cas's deep blue eyes, filled with hope. I saw Deans tired face, and green eyes. And Sams long hair, and puppy eyes. I looked at all of them and thought of all those old feelings and memories. And i knew it. They were my weakness they always would be. And Crowley knew it too. Even if he didnt admit it. "I need to run an errand" i said to Crowley and disapeared before he could say anything. I walked into a hair salon with my long blonde hair. "I need a new look." I told the hair dresser. I walked out of the hair salon with my shoulder length grungy black hair. I appeared next to Crowley. He raises an eyebrow. "New look?" He questioned. "And im changing my name to Clio." I replied. "Oh." Was all Crowley said. We left fhe bar and started strolling down the street. The Winchesters were walking into a store. Crowley noticed that i saw them. "Do you want to become a real demon." Crowley asked. "Yes" i said looking back at him. "Then kill them. All of them." Crowley said seriously. I wanted to be a demon. I wanted to be like Crowley. I walked into the shop that the Winchesters and Cas were in. "Hey boys." I said and let my eyes flash black for a second. "You demon son of a bitch." Dean exclaimed. "Its me. Cierra." I told them. "Thats inpossible." Dean scoffed. "The demon and angel brought me back to life. Now thats all i am. But mostly demon. Soon i will only be demon." I grinned evily. "Cierra, is that what you really want?" Dean asked. "Yes" I screamed out him. I threw my knife at him. He jumped out of the way. "Cierra dont do this." Sam tried to reason. "My name isnt cierra anymore. My. Name. Is. CLIO!" I screeched as loud as possible again. I pulled out another knife and bent over Dean about to slice his throat. He was to weak to fight me. "Cierra. Dont do this. This isnt you. You are not a demon. You are not an angel. Your Cierra. You love everyone, you listen to good music, you dance at concerts and you love to draw. This isnt you. Theres someone in your head, buf its not you. Were all here for you. Dont do this. Take control. Think of all the things you love, all the things you lost. All that youve touched and all that youve seen. Everyone youve met." Dean said in tears. His words made me remember all those pink floyd albums i loved, and all the people who died. I felt a pang in mg heart. I shook it off. My family was gone. I had nothing left, what was the point. I got ready to chop off his head, the knife was in the air, when he muttered one more sentence. "Cierra. Just breathe. Breathe in the air." I stopped and i took a deep breathe. I felt the air fill my lungs and i felt it fill me. I felt the pang in mg heart and i held onto it. I slammed the knife into my leg. I cried out. I held onto the pain. I felt the pain go through every nerve in my body, felt the blood rush through my veins. And i held onto it. I took another deep breathe and felt the life. I felt the energy. Not the powerful dark energy. The pure hopeful energy of life. I felt it go through my entire body. I felt. My heart slowly started to pump and beat. It slowly began. First quietly, but then a pounding thump. Tears streamed out of my eyes. I cried out again. I wailed and wailed. What had i let myself become. Cas crawled over to me and put his arms around me i wailed into his shoulder. The tears fell down harder than ever and the blood was still streaming out of my leg. I held on tight to Cas. I held on tight to who i was. I held on tight to life. And i wasnt letting go.

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