Chapter 20

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I prepared myself to hit the water. I was ready to die. I was ready to find peace. Then all of a sudden i felt a hand grab me. Part of me was just ready to die, but the other part was relieved to be saved. The person pulled me up, and held me in there arms. I finally looked to see who it was. I gasped. "What in bloody hell were you thinking?!" Crowley scowled at me. "What do you care?!" I said angrily. I tried to get away from him, but i was too weak and he had a strong grip. "You dumb ass!" He exclaimed. "Just throw me back in!" I yelled. "Why for some absolute insane reason do you think your "made" to die?! Your not made to die. I didnt save you just so you could go jump off a bridge!" Crowley yelled. "Save me??" I asked. "Didnt you wonder how your soul "magically" came back? Im the king of bloody hell. I control which souls go in, and which souls go out. I knew you coukd never kill the Winchesters. I sent you in, so i could give you back your soul." Crowley explained. "But why do you care what happens to me? Your a demon." I said with disgust. Wait, did Crowley just flinch? I suddenly felt bad. What if he does have feelings? And all im doing is hirting them. "Maybe there was some part of me, that wanted to do something decent for once." He sighed. I bit my lip, and studied his face. He slowly set me down. "So no more suicide attempts?" Crowley asked. "No more." I replied. Then Dean pulled up in the Impala. He ran up to me, and hugged me, picking me up off the ground. He set me back down. "Your alive." He said with relief. We explained what happened. "Wow." Was all Dean said. "Lets get going." Dean said next and started heading towards the car. "Give me a minute." I said. I walked back up to Crowley. "Thank you." I said looking into his eyes. He got ready to make some sarcastic comment, when i hugged him. He was suprised, and backed away a little. But then he put his arms around me, and hugged me for real. He smelled good. Like cologne and mint. I suprised myself, by not wanting to let go. He was the king of Hell. But at the same time, i felt there was more to him. We let go, and i turned around, and got in the Impala. Dean and i drove off, in direction of the bunker, leaving Crowleh behind.

When we got back to the bunker, Cas was waiting at the table. When he saw me, he looked up, with concern on his face.
I walked over, and hugged him. He stood up and put his arms around me. "Im okay. I promise." Was all i said to him. He nodded, still looking into my eyes. Sam cleared his throat, interrupting the moment. I turned towards him. "Are you alright?" He said with the crease in his forehead. "Yeah." I said and gave him a small smile. He came up and hugged me. I hugged him back. I walked back over to Cas. "Can i talk to you?" I asked. "Yeah" He said. He put his hand on my back and we walked into the other room. "Cas, before everything..went down..we were having a discussion. I thought about it. And i do want more." I said. Cas smiled. For once, he smiled. I went up and stood on my toes, and kissed him. His lips were soft and warm pressed against mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me closer. We shared a few more kisses, before pulling away. "That was..nice." He said with a smile. "It was." I said, smiling too. Maybe we could all be in peace now. We were all alive, and together. I felt happy. Content, sitting around in te bunker with Dean, Cas and Sam. They were my new family. We were all we had. And everything finally felt complete.

Cas and i decided to take it slow. We wernt gonna have sex for a little while. After my whole demon thing where i fucked everyone or my "slutty bunny" phase as Crowley called it, i wasnt ready. That didnt stop us from cuddling..alot. We were gonna have our first real date this friday, since we were tight on money, we were just gonna go have a picnik under the stars. Piknic as in takeout and a blanket in the field a few minutes away feom the bunker. But it didnt matter. I knew it would be perfect.

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