Chapter 6

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The next morning, I woke up alone in the bed, in a puddle of our juices. Before going down stairs, i took a quick shower. I slipped on some skinny jeans, and a v-neck t shirt. I put my hair in a braid to the side, after doing my makeup, and spraying myself with perfume. The bunker was about empty, as i made my way to the kitchen to grab some cereal. "Good morning Sam. Wheres Dean?" I said. "He said he had to run an errand. Who knows." Sam shrugged. I sighed, and quickly finished my bowl of cheerios. Then i went and sat down at the table, an started to flip through some old books. "I left my tooth brush in you and Deans room, im gonna go grab it" Sam said as he started walking up the stairs. "Mm-kay." I said nonchalantly. Then i remembered the bed and what me and Dean did to it. "Wait!" I yelled after Sam, but it was too late. As i got to the room Sam was kind of looking at the bed and all he said before going to the bathroom was "I dont even want to know."

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