33- Two months.

31 3 0

Fred's POV

I haven't seen chèrie since this morning when I kissed her and she ran away from me. At the same time I am relieved that she truly knows how I feel about her, I am too scared that I blew our friendship, since she did not stay and confessed an imaginary crush she would have on me.

It was dinner time and we were all together in our table eating when I realised she was not with us.

Fred: Has anyone seen Sabrina? 

Luna: I haven't seen her the whole day since me and Neville skipped the classes today. And she is also not in our dorm.

Hermione: That is so weird, she never misses a class too and she was not in our transfiguration class today.

Harry: Luna, who else is in potions with you and Sabrina?

Luna: Draco...---she whispered so low that we couldn't understand.

Fred: Fucks sake, say it louder, Luna!! -- I was losing my patience.

Luna: Draco. 

There was this uncomfortable silence in our friend group. We all hated him, but right now he is the biggest hope we have.

George: Ok, I can go talk to him.

Fred: No. I go. -- I said getting up from my chair, leaving my unfinished plate half full of food behind me.

My pace was fast and certain. I needed to talk to that daddy's boy for her good. It is ok, I can take it.

Fred: Do you know where is she? -- I asked after tapping two times on his shoulder.

Draco: Can you not speak in code? What the hell do you want? -- he answered annoyed without looking in my direction.

Fred: Sabrina. Where is she? We haven't seen her since this morning.

Draco: When you scared her away with that pathetic kiss? 

Fred: Just answer the damn question and I will leave you alone. Did she go to class today? Potions...

Draco: She is with Madame Pomfrey. -- he had some tears ready to fall from his eyes -- Excuse me, blood traitor.

And he left the great hall. What did I do? Why was he crying? Wait...Sabrina is with Madame Pomfrey? Something must have happened.

I didn't think twice before leaving the great hall without talking to anyone. I had to check on her. My footsteps were so large that I must have got in the shortest time there.

Fred: Is Sabrina here? Is she ok, Madame Pomfrey? I am sorry, I was rude, good evening.

M. Pomfrey: Good evening, Weasley. She is in the last bed on your left. -- I mouthed a 'thanks' her and she grabbed my arm before I could go see chèrie -- Don't touch her, she is very hurt.

I nodded 'yes' and started running to her bed and she was sleeping. Sleeping like an angel. As my eyes started to focus on her body and not only her face I could see she was wrapped with gauze. What the hell happened to her? I couldn't help but to touch on her small and delicate hands as a sign that someone was there for her. To my bare touch, her whole body started to shake lightly. I must have hurt her, is the only thought in my mind after that. 

About five minutes later, she opened her eyes, sleepy. I think she did not focus her eyes on me at first, because once she realised I was there she looked surprise. 

Sabrina: Freddie? --she tried to smile at me as if she was not in the infirmary looking like a burrito.

Fred: It's me, chèrie. You lost dinner. -- we laughed.

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