38 -I am going to kiss you right now.

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First of all, thank you for 1k views on this story!!! You guys are amazing and I am so grateful for having you all keeping up with the story!

Sabrina's POV

XX: Welcome sweetheart, I have been anxious to talk to you. Dumbledore told me you are an incredible student and a future potions professor, is that right?

Sabrina: Yes, it is professor. Thank you for having me. I was anxious as well to talk to you since Professor Dumbledore send me an owl discussing about the change of mentors.

Slughorn: Please, sit down. -- he went to his private bar/caffee maker -- Coffee? Tea? Water?

Sabrina: I would like a tea. Merci. 

Slughorn: Here it is. -- he sat down in front of me after handing me the tea -- So, I called you in here so we could talk about the semester. As you know, I am taking from where Professor Snape ended back then, so we will keep the same group houses separated and the same pairs for the various activities I will be planning with you. So, we could go over the list of project partners. 

He spoke more and more names until he got to mine.

Slughorn: Well, I see you worked with Mr. Malfoy last year and for what I can see you two hit it off very good. -- I almost chocked on my tea -- Due to this amazing work you guys have been showing, I am here to invite you two to enter my precious club of high quality students. -- and before I could reply to him -- But this is something I will go over the class, no need to be worried about. 

And we sat there and talk and planned classes for more than two hours straight. 

Slughorn: It was amazing do this work with you, Sabrina. Can't wait for when classes start next week.

Sabrina: Thank you professor, looking forward to learn from you.

With that said, I smiled and got out of his office. This side of the castle seemed so nice and cozy, but at the same time it was lonely and cold. I couldn't see anyone else walking on the hallways and the class doors were all closed, and so were other professor's offices.

I had confirmed with the guys to meet with them at the Gryffindor common room so we could hang out. 

XX: For fucks sake! I finally found you, S!!

I heard that crazy voice I could only recognise after making friends in a party. 

Sabrina: Pansy!! How are you? -- she came closer and we hugged so tight as we needed to become one.

Pansy: I am doing good and you? I am so sad we couldn't see each other on this break. My family trip was killing me little by little!

I laughed at her exaggeration.

Sabrina: I know right? I had a fine break. The Weasleys were really nice to me and made my recover amazing. 

Pansy: Yeah, I heard you were there. So, have you seen or talked to D since we are back? -- My smile kind of faded away.

Sabrina: Oh, uhm...i just saw him the day we arrived.

Pansy: Seriously? He was looking forward to see you after these two months. He couldn't keep it quiet how much he wanted to see you and missed you.

Wow. I felt so sad and happy and with all mixed feeling I could feel about him. He missed me. He wanted to see me. I missed him. He hurt me. I was with Fred. I liked Fred. 

Sabrina: Oh, uhm...I guess I will see him next week in class...

Pansy: Oh, come on, don't you want to come hang with us in our common?

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