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I was captivated by the fact that Sabrina held on to the photo she gave me. I wonder if she saw what I wrote in the back because I really hope for her to be my woman someday.

Pansy: What are you thinking so much about, D? -- she comes to the common room couch next to me sitting down.

Draco: Me and Sabrina had to make the potions project today and...

Pansy: You know what? -- she said cutting me off -- I am loving the fact that Slugboring is controlling the love life of both of you with these projects. First, there was the love potion, with the closeness, the touching, the dirty dirty flashback...--she says laughing and I can only laugh with her -- I am loving it! It is gossip everyday with you now!!

Draco: Shut up. So, let me continue, may I? -- she nodded as I indicated I wanted a confirmation from her that she would shut up. -- So, this week's potion was a truth serum. However, we would not try during class...

Pansy: Thank God! Otherwise people would realise how close you two were/are/ I don't know.

Draco: Exactly. -- I breath in again. -- So, we would not try in class, but we would need to record it on camera to remember everything we said because most people don't remember it and...

Pansy: And you two are exceptions and I bet you two remembered every word said during the potion's effect.

I just nodded. Me and Pansy have the best friendly sync ever seen in the whole world!!!

Draco: And let's just say that the shit got fucking real between us. Not in a screaming and bad vibe, but there were things that needed to be said between us. We both got our feelings REALLY out there.

Pansy: So... what did you guys say to each other?

Draco: Curious little brat, aren't you? -- She smirked raising her eyebrows. -- Ok. So she said that, and I quote " You are a constant reminder of how a bad event can repeat." But she said she doesn't blame me, that I am forgiven and that she is confused so she doesn't know if we have potential in the future, but she still think about our times together sometimes. I think we are friends now. 

She was indicating for me to go on, like those curious and gossipers neighbours. 

Pansy: don't mind me, please continue with what you said.

Draco: I said what I couldn't about the death eater thing and that I lost her to him, which makes me sad because she was always "oh, you don't need to worry about him". I told her I can't stop thinking about her. -- I turn my face to P -- I fucking know she is my everything. All good that happens in my life is due to her. -- "no offence taken if you ask" Pansy cuts me off to say -- Yeah, no offence, but do you get me? I love her so much that hurts me think of her apart.

Pansy: I know the feeling. You remember when I was in the most horrible love triangle. I hurt me to see Blaise giving all his attention to Astoria, but I loved him. But him and I weren't meant to be. You guys are. It's true love and I have faith that someday you guys will get together again. Enjoy this friendship type of thing phase.


Fast forwarding a week later, I am waiting for the break to be over and start the second period of my quidditch game when the voice of Professor Dumbledore is loud and clear to shut everyone up.

Dumbledore: Hello dearests students, I am using this break to remind you all of our dance class tomorrow for the ball we will be hosting soon. Everyone please meet tomorrow at noon with Professor McGonagall in the great hall to learn a few moves and not embarrass yourselves. -- After a few dumb claps -- And now the game may resume.

No surprises at all when Slytherin won Huffle-Puff. What indeed was a surprise was who came talk to me after the game. 

Sabrina: Draco! Hey! -- she says out of breath for running to catch up with me. 

Fred: Hey! Wait for me, baby. -- he says getting close to us and hugging Sabrina from behind. -- Malfoy. -- he greets me nodding the head. 

Draco: Hello Sabrina. Weasley. -- We were looking at each others face suuuuper uncomfortable. -- Well, if that was it, excuse me that I need a shower.

Sabrina: Hold on! Wait! -- She comes closer and HUGS me saying -- Nice game to you. I am so happy and proud. But too bad you will be losing to me on the final game.

We grinned to each other.

Draco: That is what we will see. Can't promise to go easy on you. 

And just like that we were laughing like the old times we used to spend together and having fun.

Fred: Yes. Nice game, Malfoy.

Draco: Thank you. -- I say smirking because the gryffindorks couldn't get the final spot on the competition. -- Bye to you two.


Like always, my partner and "date" to these dances is Pansy, but she went against everything Dumbledore asked yesterday on the game and went out on a date with Mark, the coffee shop boy she met a couple of months ago. They seem to be a serious thing now and it is making Blaise jealous and nuts to get her back and give her more attention than to Astoria. It is funny how we just give attention when we lose something or someone. 

The Gryffindors friends with Sabrina don't know how to get to a place without making everyone noticing them and this time the star of the arrival was Fred and his fractured leg. It is going around that he was with Cho while this happened, but I don't trust the gossip in this school.

Sabrina looked worry about him, but still laughing of the girls gossip and jokes.

McGonagall: Now that we have everyone here...or most of my decent students, I will choose 5 couples to follow me on the dance and therefore, when the rest of you feel comfortable, you guys can join us in the dance floor.

After a really quick explanation of the foundation of the dance moves, she started to call out names to begin the dance.

McGonagall: Kate and Tyler, Harry and Lavender, Cho and Cedric, Blaise and Ginny, and lastly Sabrina and Draco.

Oh, i honestly don't know the level of greatness and awfulness this is now.

Sabrina: This feels weird. -- she blurts out in the middle of the first song.

Draco: Excuse me, I guess I need to hold you by the waist and hand. Can I? 

Sabrina: Uhm...sure. Yes. We are the only ones not dancing from this "selected" group.

As she said this, it was an ice breaker because we started to laugh while dancing. 

Sometimes, I could feel Fred's gaze at us, but that is what you get when you fracture your leg and can't dance with your girl.

It was seven songs in total that we danced, but when our eyes locked during songs 5 and 6 I just knew it. I knew that we still had a chance to get together again.

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