41- Do we need to drink it?

22 2 0

Look out for the question in the end of the chapter.

Sabrina's POV

I couldn't believe him. Draco was full of surprises and I was stupid enough to have a reaction to his effects. This was hammering in my head the whole weekend. 

When he asked if he could take off his coat, something fell from it and I got to put it back on the coat's pocket. However, my curiosity made me open the folded paper. It was my polaroid. The polaroid I first gave him after a sleepover I had with the girls. I was so madly in love with him and I said I wanted the polaroid to send to my parents, but I had given him. 

I could see my arms and legs and everything was so simple, no scars. When I was folding back, I saw he had written something on the back of the photo "Lovely future Ms. Malfoy (I hope)" and the date we started dating. 

I could not put it back on the pocket. He said we would always walk around with one of my photos and save the other to his drawer. He stills carry it around. He is serious when he says he still believe in us. 

I tried really hard to give it back to him, but the memories contained in the photo spoke louder to me. I had to keep it. But I did not expect to be thinking about this 24/7. 

Fred: Something wrong baby? You seem distant. -- and yep, my boyfriend was right beside me while we were watching a rom-com made by muggles that Mrs and Mr Weasley suggested. My room only had the light from the TV and nothing else. 

I should be here and think about this. How he takes care of me, how much he loves me and how much I love him to. 

Sabrina: Hey baby? -- he looked at me-- Can we talk? 

Fred: Well, you look serious. Let me pause it here. -- he gets the remote and pause the muggle movie -- Shoot it.

Sabrina: How did you know you liked me? Like, for real, the moment you stopped thinking of other girls...?

Fred: Where is this coming from? Why the question? -- he sits on the bed and I lay on his lap, but stills he is frowning his eyebrows.

Sabrina: Just answer me please, no big deal.

Fred: Well, the first night we met I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world, but as we became more and more friends I realised you were not just beautiful just because, you were beautiful even mad or sad to me. That I guess is the turning point when in mind you were not just my friend to me. And correcting you, I don't like you, I love you, Sabrina. 

Sabrina: You are really cute, you know that? -- I said smiling to him. I was feeling good. Our relationship was great. I loved him too. -- Love you too, Freddie.

And for the rest of the day I could forget about Draco and the stupid photo he still had from me that I was possessing now. 

We managed to finish watching the movie and make some comments about it, but soon our interaction went a little physical when he started to kiss me. We were still in a sitting position because we kind of went overboard in the commenting the movie thing.

I could feel his hands in the back of my neck and in my waist while mine were in his shoulders. The kiss was slowing down and he started to move himself to stay on top of me, laying me down on the mattress. 

It was everything fine until he tried to take my shirt off. I pushed out of the kiss and tapped his shoulders a few times so he would leave the top of me. 

Sabrina: Freddie, please. No. 

Fred: I just do not get what the problem is. Don't you trust me? I would never hurt you.

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