14: Murderer

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i was initially thinking of placing the cra ver of yellow here
or some rich asf lana del ray songs.... but dodie
i just couldn't resist ok 😩

after 'monster' ends, u're free to play this song too
it offers such relieving vibes, and goes along with this chap well


I remained quiet, eyes fixated upon my lazy attempts on trudging through the ankle-length grass. Levi's halt in front of me goes unnoticed, and I bump headfirst into his back as a result.

The word "careful" escapes his lips in record speed and his brawny arms are locked around my waist right after.

I looked out at the flat meadow before me, sowed with dandelions and specked with clusters of Gerbera daisies. The sight was breathtaking and familiar.

It reminded me greatly of home.

"Your hair's grown since the last time we met." he stated, releasing his tight grasp.

"I don't suppose you brought me all the way here to discuss my hair?"

"Hm. No." he hummed, visibly contemplating something.

He places a hand on my forearm. Shortly, it drifts to settle on my wrist as if grabbing my hands would invade my personal bubble. He doesn't see, so concentrated on dragging me along to the nearby shade, but my lips tug upwards marginally.

Levi pulls off his jacket, and lays it nimbly on the uneven patch of grass, shaved shorter than the cock's-foot from before. He sits us both down as we're girded by a ring of shade. I inch to the side of me to offer some space and was greeted with nothing but a confused mien. He must be thinking that I'm uncomfortable, that's why I leaned away.

Pressing my mouth shut, I looked into his mazed demeanour with furrowed brows. For a fleeting moment, I hesitated to carry out the action, howbeit, I did it anyway to put him at ease.

I reclined onto his broad chest, closing my eyes in snugness. He quickly gasps at my bold deed. It doesn't take long for him to ease into my proximity, wrapping a hand around my shoulder. I giggled at his reaction and his features softened gradually.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked inevitably, glancing down on me.

I plucked up one of the dandelions in front of me, blowing into it, stalling time.

"Talk about?" I questioned innocently.

"What happened the other day. Doesn't take some clever clogs to detect it caused distress."

He went ahead and answered so straightforwardly, it was practically unfeasible to avoid. I played with the stem of the flower, thinking about what to say next.

"Yeah, I do actually."

In a blink of an eye, I spun around, blowing the rest of the seeds into his face. The arm that was previously wrapped around me was now frenziedly swiping away the dry white floaties. A few of them landed on his nose, and he scrunched it at the ticklish sensation. When they had all flitted away, a pair of eyes were hawking at me on the other side, only causing me to chuckle. I gently tapped his nose, sweeping off the pappuses.

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