10: Erwin Smith

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This chapter will be entirely written in Levi's POV


An old geezer stops our tracks, probing his watch, channelling a sage look through his wrinkled eyes. He was wrapped in lavish garments from head to toe. His leather shoes were the ones to catch my attention; we don't have cattle down here. It was obvious that he didn't belong in this society.

The man kept blethering on about a job that needs to be done like any of us would care.

"I assure you," he induced in vain, "the pay will be good."

I was growing impatient. I'm not about to sit still and let some merchant prince order me around. Without money, he's nothing.

"Piss off."

"I believe I have already put down a deposit for your services."

"You're kidding, right? This is the first time we've met." Farlan and the rest of us were not buying his claims, of course. We've learnt to never trust strangers the hard way. Exceptions from time to time, but this geezer is marked all over with shady signs.

"That is true," his voice was queerly calm, holding an academic mien, "But I'm sure you'll recognise the gentleman over there."

Shit. The fucker had the smarts to come with a plan.

"Jan!" Farlan pointed out, quick to recognise the victim.

"His leg is severely impaired. He must have it operated in a hospital above ground," he concludes his judgement with the elephant in the room, "I am correct, am I not, Levi?"

The question gnawed at me, urging me to slice his tongue away - he had no right to provoke us like that - yet my guts told me to listen intently.

"What are you getting at?" Church was now impatient, clawing at his dagger. Both of us were on the same page.

"That is our deposit. Now will you hear me out?"

He bribed well. It appears we deviated into another dead-end.

"Very well."


The three of us found ourselves following the man up the 11th Stairway - the same place Isabel was chased after. As someone who has lived here their entire lives, even I can admit I haven't ventured to this part of the city before. It was just an unspoken rule that nobody was to go here unless they were a fool, or, filthy rich, and I am neither.

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