4: Short Meeting And Brief Goodbyes

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"Wait, you haven't said where we're going!"

"To the bar."

"Why the bar?"

"Use your brain, Rogue. It's the only place we haven't inspected, unless you fancy to barge into the rooms to check again-"

I slapped him on his bruised back, hard, and he jolted in pain. The tease was unmerited, supposedly unbecoming, however it did manage to lighten the mood as we both ended up cackling - our inappropriate humour complementing one another.

"And... we're here." he dramatised, gesturing towards the counter in a tilted physique, bowing even.

I giggled again at his absurdity.

My eyes flitted towards the bar. Amongst the many men lingering around, there was only one female, asian, with clear raven locks swimming from her scalp, and eyes the same shade as the hues of her hair. She bore a corset fittingly, binding her waist to the brim, but the white renaissance dress underneath flowed with freedom. The woman worked with diligent cadence, committed to prepare the drinks for the guests. She was indeed, my mother.

"Mom!" I let out a long awaited wail.

She's safe, what a relief.

"Mayuka? Is that you?" she asked, mystified at the sound of my voice.

Engulfed by the dim lights, her complexion polished over with bronze as she rushed out to get a better look on me. There was a loud silence, her eyebrows quirking up due to disbelief. Several heads began to turn and stare at us, wanting to bend an ear on the reunion before them. Levi's shadow crafted a tingling sensation up my spine. I could tell he was attempting to shade us from the prying eyes.

"Oh honey," she sighed, her face dropping tenderly, "it is you."

"Why are you here?"

"To find you, of course! Hell, I thought you were working as a prostitute for this filthy place."

She let out a soft chuckle.

"I wouldn't do that to myself, would I?"

I soaked myself into her warm embrace, savouring her mellowness. I missed mom, and even though we live together, I barely got to see her as she was always working.

"Are you going to let go now?"

I hadn't realised I was practically suffocating the shit out of her. I quickly released myself, static in awkwardness, and so was Levi. To be honest, this conclusion was far more anti-climatic than I had expected, especially since it took me long enough to trespass into Wall Sheena. The journey itself was harder to swallow than the conclusion. Never thought it would be this way.

"Well I've got business to attend to, honey. You should return home," mom advised, "it's not safe for a young girl like you to be alone around here."

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