7: Lookalike

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another song for this chap

sorry for the constant torture LOL


The blonde lady returned again for sundry visits.

It had been weeks since our first encounter, and during each visit, she came in more laid-back outfits, easing as a part of our family now. Nevertheless, she'd never be one of us, whether the difference was having a carriage and a butler to escort her, or her etiquette way of speaking. I ought to get to know her better since she's stopping by so often.

"Hey, um," I reached out for her arms, but being careful to raise my courtesy to gain her respect, unlike the last time, "Hope this doesn't sound too brash but you still haven't properly introduced yourself yet. Like I know your name and business but uh-"

She lost her hardened expression she approached with and smiled cordially, "It's okay, I understand."

"I have time. Would you like to talk over there?" Her body was leaned against a side, signalling to the bench situated by the shade.

"I would love that very much."

Agatha poured out a hand, a hand that you would want so badly to take, and so I did. As I settled mine on her dainty ones, I could tell she had a habit of lotioning herself whenever given the chance. Her fingers were like feathers, floating ever so swiftly. Even as it lands on you, you wouldn't realise it was there.

"I'll let you in on a secret," she cuts to the chase, "I'm here to turn your father into a titan."


"Hear me out," she coaxed, "I'm forced to. King Fritz is actually a masquerade for the Reiss family."

She paused, left me clinging for further clarification.

"I serve Rod Reiss. He told me that I looked like his past lover, someone named Alma, so he took me in, and made me his new mistress after recently becoming a widower. He offered me a life I would've never gotten in my hometown. However, it wasn't long until he sent me off to do his dirty work instead as he wasn't pleased with how I performed in bed." she divulged.

"And who the fuck is jerk?"

For a moment I forgot my polite pretence and cussed. Agatha didn't seem to mind though.

"The true king."

"So you're telling me that everything I've ever learned about the royals was falsified?"


I needed a moment to take it all in. I strained my eyes shut whilst a frown creases my forehead.

"You must think I'm making zero sense right now."

"No, no, I admire your honesty. Can you tell me why you have to turn my father into a titan?"

Out of a sudden, she grasped onto my hands, spun her head from side to side to search for any signs of people, then anguish washes upon her face.

"I don't know, but you have to let me do it!" her voice shivered with plead, "He said it's for the greater good, and if I don't complete my mission, he will have Kenny assassinate me!"

Kenny - I remember - the guy with Levi's last name. Just what exactly were the Ackermans about?

Tears started to surge in her eyes, her gentle face carved into rough wrinkles. She looked so desperate, and I couldn't refuse.

"Okay," I approved, "You have my permission. Besides, I think my father will be more useful as a titan anyways."

"Thank you! Thank you so, so much!"


Following that day, Agatha and I had become much closer. Reposefully, her formal tone had diminished as we laughed together, her head resting on my lap. We discussed life, gossiped over drama, and told various childhood fairy tales; in a trice, we had so much in common. Hours passed to weekends, and weekends faded into whole months - half a year I had spent with her, and for once time skips by light like a grasshopper. I preferred this Agatha. This Agatha was spirited, this Agatha was attractive, and was... beautiful.

I tucked away her hair, adoring the specks of freckles dabbed on random areas of her face. She beamed back up at me, and sent clusters of butterflies down my stomach. I turned away, wary of this feeling. But then the warmth of her palm perching on my skin had crept up to me, and I couldn't resist anymore.

She was the perfect distraction I needed.


She gave me a knowing look, and straight after, a peck on my forehead, leaving me astonished. She was so good with this.

I had my fair share of doubts given that it hasn't even been a full year yet. But six months felt enough to settle. Six months was enough to establish a new relationship. Six months felt right, and enough to conceal the night I met Levi.

"Want to take this to the room?"

And I gave a hasty nod. I wished to make her feel wanted, convinced that she wasn't just a carbon copy of another girl - the heinous way he made me feel.

"I think I've fallen for you, Rogue." she confessed with a giggle.

"I'm glad you feel the same."


are ur brains holding in the info ok? 😃

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