🌸🏳️‍🌈Midnight walks🏳️‍🌈🌸

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Pairing: Sugawara/Daichi


Plot: date night.


The night had a soft chilling breeze, the old side walks covered in cracks and weeds sticking out of the cracks. The soft tapping of shoes on those old cracked sidewalks, that slowly turned into a dirt pathway. The sky littered in clouds and stars, the moon standing high on its perch of the sky. The warmth they shared together. the sliver haired boy wearing a thin jacket and a soft thick white scarf, and of course a shirt saying the word "Potato" on it. His rough-ish feeling hand holding another boy's hand, much rougher than his and they were about the same height. Dark brown soft hair, and a lovely smile. He was wearing a much more thicker jacket, he never really liked the cold. And some black pants, nothing too special, they didn't have to dress special just because this was a date night. The soft crunching of dried soft against their shoes, until they made it to the place they were supposed to be at. A soft smile across Sugawara's face as he dragged Daichi over to the bench that was near a cliff's edge. Daichi smiled softly that the sliver haired boy, sitting down on the old wooden bench. The old markings and rusted metal of the bench. Over grown weeds and flowers surrounded the ends of the bench. The quietness of the night and the occasional firefly lighting up, buzzing bugs. The dark brown haired boy held the other's hand, giving a soft kiss on the cheek. The sliver haired boy giggling and returning the simple affectionate action. Doachi couldn't help but blush and hide his face, as Sugawara chuckled and stared a bit. Daichi was so cute to him, how did he end up with someone so sweet and lovely, it all felt like a beautiful dream. A dream that he wanted to last forever. They sat on that old, marked bench, Sugawara looking at Daichi, before giving a peck on the lips. Daichi was flustered and hid his face in his hands. Daichi couldn't believe that he ended up with such a sweet boy, a very lovely boy too. 

"I love you, Sawamura" the sliver haired boy had said with a friendly and welcoming smile. Daichi couldn't help it and asked if he could kiss the other. Sugawara, of course, said yes. He gave the boy a soft kiss, Sugawara hand holding Daichi cheek. 

"I love you more, Koshi." 


413 words, I know this short af, just a small fluff thingy, hoped you enjoyed!

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