The Stars And You (Saimota)

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Pairing; Saimota (Momota Kaito x Saihara Shuichi)

It's fluff the hell you want me to put-- I mean there's- hurt/comfort?? Slightly-

Au: Non-Despair timeline, College AU


It was midnight, around 12am. Shuichi and Kaito were up, talking to each other and laughing at things that have been happening throughout life and college work. Their schedules often busy and barely finding time for each other in the midst of it. They would mostly find time for each other around night, even as bad as that is for well, both of their sleeping schedules. They didn't care, it was nothing to worry about and something to fix in the near future, whenever that may be. 

It was nice between the two, a simple conversation and simple actions of affection from Kaito. Kaito's hand wrapped around Shuichi's waist. A soft smile on Shuichi's face as he just looked at the clear dark sky, sighing contently. He wasn't much of the affectionate type, or at least physical touch wise. Kaito is though, he expressed his emotions through his actions, which Shuichi liked about him. It was nice to know that he was this gentle with him. It made him feel special, loved, like he was wanted. That was all he could really ask for, someone to care and love him, even through the hard times and moments. Shuichi couldn't help but smile brighter to himself, hugging Kaito randomly. Kaito taken back a bit at the sudden act of affection, but hugging the blue haired man back. Kaito chuckled a bit and ruffled Shuichi's hair, looking down at him. 

"What's this all about babe?" Kaito questioned the other with a chuckle. Shuichi just buried his face into the other's chest, a bit overwhelmed with emotions. He was so grateful to have this man in his life, to be his boyfriend and everything more. 

"Nothin'..- I just wanted to hug you.." Shuichi said in response, his voice muffled slightly. Kaito just smiled softly to himself as he softly played with the other's hair. Shuichi rarely showed random affection without warning, so it made Kaito happy. The silence that filled between them was nice, it was peaceful. Crickets chirping from outside, as they stayed like that for awhile. A few moments later, Kaito spoke again. 

"Hey Shuichi, can you look up at me?" Kaito said to his boyfriend with a soft tone behind it. Shuichi nodded and looked up at Kaito. The taller of the two softly held the other's cheek and  leaned in, giving a soft kiss on the other's lips, smiling. Shuichi leaned into the touch and kissed back, before pulling away. A soft blush across his face as he smiled up at Kaito, a soft, genuine smile. The same one Kaito fell in love with years before. He could never forgot the moment he realized he was in love with his best friend, the way his heart pounded through his chest as he confessed (which was on accident but he doesn't talk about it). After awhile of staring at each other, Shuichi was the first to look away, his nerves catching up to him quickly with the eye contact. 

"Sor.. Sorry about that- didn't mean to stare" Shuichi spoke quietly, stuttering slightly through his words. Kaito shook his head a little, snapping out of his daze and a now worried look on his face as he looked over at his boyfriend. He grabbed Shuichi's hand and was trying to come up with the correct words of what to say next. 

"Shuichi.. I don't mind it, it was nice anyways!" Kaito said, trying to lighten the mood. Shuichi laughed to himself. Loving the dork he fell in love with, always somehow making his days brighter. 

"Thank you honey" Shuichi said, the end being almost too soft to hear fully. Kaito blushing a bit more then before at the nickname, before smiling brightly. He tightly hugged the other as Shuichi yelped in surprise, before laughing to himself. He was so perfect, Kaito Momota. He didn't know how he got so lucky but he wished this luck never ran out. After awhile of Kaito bear hugging him, he let go of the other with a small laugh. 

"Hey Shuichi, can I tell you something?" Kaito asked, gentle and soft as always. Shuichi nodded in response. Listening closely to whatever Kaito wanted to tell him. 

"I wonder why you always thought you weren't worth loving or even like.. in general don't matter? You're so awesome to me! You make me smile even when I'm exhausted from college work and astrophysics and all that. You make it worth it, everything. I love the stars, but I never seen a star shine as bright as you. You already make me feel in space and leave me breathless. I don't know how you do it, but, all I know is that I love you so so much" Kaito said, ranting about his feelings. Shuichi looked at him with shock, and disbelief. His felt his face heat up and then tears pricking at his eyes, before spilling as he laughed to himself as he hid his face in his arm. Kaito looked over at his boyfriend worried, grabbing the other's arm in worry to move it out of his face. 

"What's wrong Shuichi? Did I say something wrong??" Kaito said, worry in his voice. 

"I'm fine I'm just- so happy to have you in my life—" Shuichi said in response, a soft hiccup from crying, as he tightly hugged the other, hiding his face in Kaito's chest once more. Kaito laughed to himself slightly has he gently rubbed the other's back with ease. Rubbing soft circles against his spine. The blue haired man felt so loved, and he wish for this feeling to never fade, and last forever. He loved his best friend, and he was dating him. Smiling to himself as he calmed down from crying. Kaito let go of Shuichi from the hug and grabbed him from the waist. 

"Can I kiss you again?" Kaito asked the other. 

"Of course you can babe-" he said, chuckling a little. Kaito leaned in again, giving Shuichi another soft kiss as Shuichi kissed back. Both of them under the stars, of an infinite galaxy. A galaxy that would never end. 

"I love you"

"I love you more" 

(Word count; 1050, some editing has to take place, like word check and all that) 

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