Danganronpa dragon au!!

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You read the title- just the danganronpa cast but dragons! 

Hajime dragon species: these dragon are fairly normal of what you see in a dragon, their like drakes almost. They can't fly and stay to the ground. They are a medium sized dragon and have sharp teeth. What makes this dragon different though that it takes a heavy interest in bright colored things. They are a forest green color {to match in with their Habits, aka forest}, almost like a mossy color. They have very strong tails that that break bones of others. Even with their strong power, they are pretty friendly and are well known with almost every dragon species, commonly used as pets by dragon trainers because of their kind nature.

Kokichi dragon species: due to their lying nature, they can easily lore prey to trust them, then kill them. Half the time they're in a group of 3-9. They're a pretty small dragon species but yet are pretty strong. They have very dark purple color, almost as if a black, their normal hunting time is at night time. Normally they would hide in trees and wait for their prey wondering into their trap without knowing. These dragons are natural leaders. One leader would be choose in their packs, they mostly make the plans and are the most social. They are easily feared by hunters at night. As the fact their teeth are awfully sharp.

Celestia dragon species: these dragons are awfully interesting. They don't have packs nor stick to a group of dragons. Their skin are smooth but scaly, a gray sliver color but a deep reds and blacks. Their tails in fact are protected by a thick layer of metal to protect predators from attacking them. They tend to take interest, more like Steal money of hunters and people. They are very hard to them since they have a low temper and tend to be awfully loud. These dragons are a reason hunters look out. But they are worth hundreds for their skin. As they they are very strong lovely scale pattern

Shuichi dragon species: these dragons are almost the same colors of the Kokichi's, but instead a dark blackish-blue. They don't often have a sleeping time at night and tend to sleep during morning-afternoon hours. They don't have packs of their own but rather stuck to stringer dragons to protect themselves. {Ex. Kaito, Maki, Kokichi, etc}. They are awfully shy and tend to run off when a hunter/predator. People who have trained this dragon species are considered lucky because their shy nature. They can fly and are a medium sized dragon. They are awfully smart and can easily trick people without knowing. They Sometimes even blend on with Kokichi dragon packs.

Nagito dragon species: these dragons are fairly hard to find, ever. Even with that logic, they are pretty much loners. They are a cloud white color but the ends of their legs fade into a light red/brown color. These dragons are very hard to tame much less ever to find. They have sharp claws but are considered a medium to large dragon species. They have a strong wing power that can push back their enemies. They kinda get mistaken for the wedigo of dragons. Since they can copy the roars or talks of other dragon species to trick prey to kill them. They have thick Qiled scales. They are most weak at their wings are pretty feared by hunters. But don't be fooled by this. Even then this dragon has a kind heart of its own and most reports have been found with a dusty pink dragons {chiaki} and the forest green drakes {Hajime}, sometimes all of them together. Also have seen with the purple dragons {Mikan}, and a lot more. Also they take interest in anything shiny or bright-

Makoto dragon species: these dragons are most commonly found. They don't have packs of their own. Like the Shuichi dragons, they stick to different groups of dragons. They are a pretty smaller dragon on the scale and are a light brown but green-ish color. They are another drake species and cannot fly, but a lot smaller than a normal drake. They tend to be awfully curious and wonder a lot. They have a stronger tails and horns. They normally eat smaller things and are considered the perfect starter dragon for new-comers in the dragon trainer community. They have kind hearts and are seen friendly by most hunters and other dragon species. With how kind hearted they are, hunters tend to leave these guys alone, as they're common and aren't even worth that much in the end.

Korekiyo dragon species: these are pretty much loners. They are pretty large and their mouths are a pure black. Almost appearing as a mask in the dark. They tend to sit afar from other dragons and watch their actions. Even with their large selves, they are fairly hard to catch and tame. Something that makes them very special is they have smells of sweet flowers. They tend to rub themselves in fields of flowers and wait for pretty to come wondering into them. They are cold blooded and have to have heat 24/7. They can fly but prefer not to, they only fly when in fear of a predator or hunter is near. They are a dark brown/green color, and like moths have patterns of Fake Eyes on their wings to scare off predators when asleep at night. Even with this, they are fairly smart and friendly dragons.

Aoi dragon species: this dragon are an under water dragon. They have spine like fins on their backs to help them swim faster. They are a medium sized dragon, about the size of a bluefin Tuna {12-14 feet}. They're not the smartest, but are pretty strong. They are relatively friendly. They're like amphibians, they can leave the water but not for long, only about an hour or two. They have fin like wings {that are the wing-span of 7-10 feet}, that help them push predators away with a fast gust of water {or wind, depending if its out the water}.

{I'll post another chapter with more characters in the future, give me some characters you would like to see!} 

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