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𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬



My alarm clock buzzes softly and I turn it off with a flick of my wand. Adrian didn't end up asking for a blanket so I assume and hope my brother didn't do anything with that girl. I mean, it was our first day, does he have to get action immediately?  Like every morning I hop into the shower and change into my school robes. I decide not to walk with Pansy today because of her outburst at me yesterday, so instead I chill in the Common Room and wait for Lilliana (Terrence's ex), only to find a very tired looking Adrian. "Oh hello, you didn't come for a blanket last night?" I question and he yawns, "Felt rude to wake you." He says in a sleepy voice, "We have a few spare beds, you could've crashed in!" I say and he looks gutted. "You mean I got no sleep for nothing, wow." He grumbles and shivers slightly. "Cold, Pucey?" I laugh and hear him wake Marcus up very loudly, "Enjoy?" Adrian scowls and Marcus looks guilty, "Sorry, how bad was I?" Adrian huffs, "Awful." Marcus heads out and groans at my humorous face, "How much did you hear?" He asks, head in his hands. "All of it" My smirk widens and he mutters something under his breath. Little did both of them know I was hiding so I heard and saw most of it, ok that's creepy but oh well.

Adrian walks out with bags under his eyes and I couldn't help but feel pity. I examine his face, his sharp jawline and his blue eyes stood out, his cheekbones look perfect and his hair is in a messy middle part. I admire him for a second until he starts chuckling, "Done staring, Flint?" He asks and I flush red in embarrassment. I mean, I was just stood there gawking at him like he's an angel.   "Are you trying out later, for the Quidditch Team I mean?" He asks and I nod. 


I find it fun how easy I can make Tatianna blush, she must've had NO boy interaction if she can get embarrassed that easy. As much as I want to talk more I see Terrence's ex come into sight and Tatiana squeals, "Lilliana!" Tatiana jumps into Lilliana's arms and they stand there for a bit. I watch in amusement as the girls begin gossiping.

"Did you hear, that Potter boy has come to Hogwarts?" Tatiana asks in a hushed voice.

"Yeah, apparently he's in Gryffindor." Lilliana responds and Tatiana gives a shocked expression. Lilliana mocks her and they both turn hysterical, oh to have friends.   Well, obviously I have friends but we aren't that close, except me and Marcus, we're like brothers. he's been there for since we were young and for that, I am so grateful for him. I follow Tatiana and Lilliana into the Great Hall for breakfast and sit with Marcus. 

"Terence still not back from his trip to the Hospital Wing then?" Tatianna grins and a few snickers were heard, "Oi! Tats, what do you have first?" Marcus shouts too her and she scans her time table, which makes me realise that I have no clue what I have first and I have been staring at her for the past five minutes.  I'm starting to give myself stalker vibes now. 

"Transfigurations!" She responds and he looks sulky, "What do you have mate?" I ask and he groans, "Charms." He hates that class because Professor Flitwick strongly despised him for playing dirty in Quidditch and would often give him detention. I scan my own timetable, I too  have Transfiguration. Marcus looks over too see what I have and looks even more gloomy to find that I have class with his sister and he doesn't. I assume their so close because of their parents fighting and their parent's interest to the Dark Lord, they would only have each other and they comforted each other when the fighting begins. That's what it's like for me, except I'm an only child, so the only person I have is Marcus. Marcus's parents treated me nicely when I'm there and I think that's another reason why Marcus loves me sleeping over, so his parents wouldn't fight.  Although, he did confide in me his worries about his sister, apparently she did not have any friends in Beaxbatons and when I came over she felt like she couldn't go into Marcus' room for comfort because she would be disturbing us.  That's where she's wrong. I guess you can say it is rather unsettling to know that you have someone to stay with and distract you, but then in the room along the hall is a small girl all alone because you took her source of comfort away from her. Well, I say small girl but she's only a year younger, but I've seen her small so I guess it's okay.

-Time skip- 


I change into leggings and a sports bra so I can try out for the team. I grab my broom and confidently stride over to my brother who is yelling instructions. "All those wanting to try for Chaser, take your positions on the marked spots." He yells and I take the middle one, risky I know. The keepers that were already on our team tried to defend our goals. however, I was quick and nimble, I swerved past the other players, not dropping the quaffle once. "Ten points for Flint!" Marcus yells and I soon score another goal, and another, and another. "Tatianna, I don't even have to think about this, you're on the team." He says and I nod happily and sit on the stands, waiting.  The people who were on the team before went on now and my gaze was set on a certain Pucey. It was like watching myself, he moved so quickly that it was hard to keep up. I see the face of one disappointed chaser, whom Marcus had moved down to a reserve so I can join and I feel bad. 

"Congrats, Flint number two. Flint number one just told me you made it." Adrian says and I roll my eyes at his lame joke. "C'mon, you know you find me funny." He grins and I stop to pretend to think, "hmm, no." he gives me an evil smirk and grabs my muggle book right out of my hands. "Deja Vu, don't you think?" He asks with a smile, "However, you're going to have to get me." He hops onto his broom and speeds away. "Idiot" I mumble under breath and speed off after him. He makes quick movements, trying to throw me off, but it didn't faze me. Eventually, I grab his broom and he throws the book in surprise, then I swoop in and snatch it back. "Bye, Pucey." No one messes with me and my books, it's my escape. When I read I fall into a better reality, very helpful if you ask me. 


I grab the book out of her hands, this is the same book she was reading on the train, so I thought why not have some fun for old times sake. I take off and she follows me, unfortunately she is smart and knows my tricks seeing as she must've used them herself. Thinking I had got away with it I head back down, that was until Tatianna grabbed my broom, Slytherin were the only ones to play dirty so I was shocked when she did that. I throw the book and she grabs it, she lands delicately and salutes me before wandering away. 

How, How, HOW, did she manage to fool me? ADRIAN PUCEY. Not trying to sound big headed, but I am the best Chaser Slytherin has ever had, or so I've been told. Tatianna Flint is giving me a run for my money. 


two in one day;)

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