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𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭?


When Tatiana left the room she couldn't help but fume with pure anger. After days of them ignoring her and treating her like a complete nobody they just come in and question her decisions, even if she didn't really want to leave, that's the first thing they say too her? Tatiana's temper often gets bad to the point where she hits things, breaks things and chuck things. When angry she doesn't think for the wiser option, she doesn't think she just acts. Which is why she is now currently out on her broom, she doesn't care how far or where she goes, she's just leaving. Not a single doubt of what could happen goes through her mind, just rage. 

She's angry, angry at everyone. Angry at Marcus for not giving her a chance, she's angry at Adrian for throwing her heart on the floor and stomping on it and she's angry at Lilliana for taking out her anger on her. Everyone takes out their anger out on Tatiana. Her parents do, her friends do and at times even Marcus at home. 

The night darkens and Tatiana finds herself in the middle of nowhere. Her surroundings look pre-possessing, the starry night creates shadows out of the trees and the leafy pathway is crunchy due to the wintery weather, the path runs all through the woods and goes in different directions almost like a maze. The woods had some mythical creatures, some more terrifying than others, this could only mean one thing, Tatiana has landed in the  Forbidden Forest.  

Personally she had never been there before but she has heard many stories from Marcus of all the dangerous animals. She has been told that there is a huge acromantula somewhere with thousands and thousands of babies. Apparently the potter boy and his friend met him and almost got ripped to shreds, Tatiana is quite frankly terrified of spiders and is certain she will drop dead if she ever sees it. 

After standing on the spot deciding whether she should take her chances and hover through the woods on her broom or fly straight up and risk hitting a thestral. Tatiana can't see thestrals but she has read about them and wrote assignments on them, they are an omen of death. You can only see a thestral if you have witnessed a death before your eyes. They are normally nice but if you do them wrong they can be aggressive so Tatiana didn't want to get on their bad side. Therefore she made the decision to walk further and then fly up when she feels it's safe. 

So that she did, she strolled through the woods while thinking about everything that has happened and while doing so she has come to terms with the following...

So Adrian said that Tatiana means nothing to him but then says he didn't mean it?
Marcus apparently has come out of his shell finally but doesn't care enough to say sorry?
Lilliana doesn't like being my friend but then she does?
I have been in the school for a few months and have already successfully made a group of venomous girls despise me. 
My parents only seem to love Marcus.

The time Tatiana came to terms with everything she realised that she has walked in to a complete cave full of dust, bumps and cobwebs and after observing for a while she quickly realised a dozen of small spiders run along. 

"No, no, no. This can't happen!" Tatiana yells out in fear, not that anyone can hear her.  "Who's there?" A deep voice calls out and Tatiana feels herself freeze. "T-tatiana." Tatiana stutters and goes to hop on her broom so she can vroom the heck out of there, that was until she realised she had no idea where her broom is.

As if her night couldn't get any worse, the giant freaky spider scurries over to her, it's thousand eyes rest on her with a malicious look, Tatiana then realised there is a very slim chance of making it out alive. "P- Please leave me be." Tatiana asks, her voice shaking and panicky tears threatening to spill. 

'til death do us apart | Adrian Puceyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن