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I wake up and find Lilliana on the floor, she didn't even make it to bed. "Wingardium Leviosa" I float her over to her bed and place her down because I am the best friend ever. I figure since I'm already up I should go and sneak some headache potion from Madam Pomfrey's stash so she doesn't die from the hangover. I slip on my sliders and sneak out of the dorm, careful to not wake Lilliana. It's still quite early so no one is up especially since they were all drunk off their face yesterday. As I draw closer to the portrait, I see a poster for the Halloween Party that is coming up. I completely forgot about Halloween. I'm pretty sure Marcus is being a zombie so I will be a vampire. 

I slip out and receive a cold stare from the portrait because I woke it, oops. The Hospital Wing is the other end of the castle so I'm in for a long journey and it is cold. I am so happy I didn't drink, I start to think about last night and then it hits me. Me and Adrian kissed. WE KISSED. I hope Marcus drank a little to much so he doesn't remember because he will be livid. I mean, it's his sister and his bestfriend. 

The game between Slytherin and Gryffindor is next week after Halloween, I'm not too worried because Gryffindor's new seeker is a first year although he must be good if he's first year and he's playing, that's against the rules!! And we have our reserve playing because Terence got expelled but I heard he is okay. How embarrassing would it be if we lost to a first year?! 

-Time Skip-

After successfully sneaking back into the dorm I get ready, it's a Saturday so we can wear whatever and today I will be going for some black shorts and an oversized Slytherin hoodie. I'm not going to stress about my outfit today because half of the day will be spent on the Quidditch Pitch, Marcus has also said that if we win there will be a party. 

I took too much of the headache healer potion, there's enough for three so I guess I can be nice and give Marcus and Adrian some.


How am I going to look him in the eye? I mean, he won't remember...right? And if he does I can just obliviate him, or is that too far? Dunno. I do kind of like him, I get nervous when he's around and blush profusely whenever he talks to me. He could or would never like me though because I'm younger than him and his brother's sister for Gods sake! Not to mention he made out with a random girl yesterday so is he taken?

Lilliana FINALLY wakes up and immediately starts complaining. 

"Here." I hand her the potion and her face lights up, "I literally love Tatianna Flint!" She declares and I chuckle, "I know." 

Marcus comes in and asks if one of us got the potion and I hand it over, "Give this to Adrian too." I hand him the other bottle and he mumbles a quick thanks. I look over to Lilliana who is gagging at the taste, "I know, tastes like ass." We both laugh. "It takes five minutes to work." I say and she nods slightly. 

Finally after five long minutes of Lilliana's grumbling, the potion worked. "Thank you so so much Tati!" Lilliana pulls me into a hug and I awkwardly pat her back, "No problem Lills." I smile at her and she beams at me. It wasn't long until the boys came stumbling in saying thanks and I smile at them. 

"Thanks Tati!" Marcus grins at me, "We have quidditch later!" I nod already knowing. "Thankyou Tatianna, my head felt like a building site." Adrian says and I keep my cool, "It's whatever." He smirks and a I feel a blush creep onto my face. Lilliana notices and she gives me a look which is basically telling me, you like adrian!!!!  I give her a look and we start communicating through our eyes.

"No I don't!"

"You soooo do!!" 


"Don't lie, it's okay tell me about it."


The boys look at us with a confused expression and we burst out laughing. "Weirdos." Marcus sneers and I pull a face at him, "Suck a toe." Lilliana says with a grin and he winks at her. I know Marcus likes her but maybe she likes him back. "What did you say?" Adrian and questions and I wink at him. "That's  for us to know and you to never find out." He groans and we chuckle. "Now, OUT! I'm getting changed now!" Lilliana shoos them out and turns to me. "Spill."

"I kind of like him but he's with someone I think." I say sadly and she scoffs, "No! He's probably going around snogging girls to get his mind off you." I stop to think about it. Is he doing that? Does he feel the same? No, he can't like me. "So, do you like Marcus?" I ask and she gasps. "How did you KNOW? She asks and I wink at her, "I have my ways."

We go to leave and get scared out of mind when we see the boys were eavesdropping. Marcus coughs and tries to think of an excuse but we brush him off, "How long were you standing there?" I ask and Adrian looks guilty. "The whole time." Oh NO! "WHAT!" Lilliana shrieks and she hides her face. Marcus coughs again and summons flowers with his wand. "Lilliana, do you want to go out with me?" He asks and Lilliana's face resembled pure joy. "YES!" She squeled and leaped into Marcus's arms. "Ewww." I pretend to gag and everyone laughs.


We were only eavesdropping because Marcus wanted to hear if they were exchanging gossip, which they were. Tatiana says she liked him. Who is him? I can't help but wish it's me I have to know who Tatianna likes but first I have to tell Marcus I like his sister.

-time skip-

Marcus gives Lilliana a kiss before entering the dorm to collect his broom. "Marcus mate can I ask you something?" I ask and I can feel myself getting nervous. "What would you do if I liked your sister?" She narrows his eyes at me and laughs. "Literally never talk to you again." 


"Yeah I wouldn't anyway man, she's your sister! She's like a sister to me too! That would be gross." I fake laugh and grab my broom. But on my way out I see Tatianna waiting for Marcus with a hurt look on her face.

Oh crap... I've messed up. BIG TIME! 

If he knew we've kissed, oh my god. WE KISSED. Does she remember? I don't remember seeing her drink... now I've double messed up. 


Sorry for the late update- xox 

Hope u enjoyeddd and point mistakes out!

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