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𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬

The next day rolls by and Tatiana is in the owlery, and has been there for four hours waiting for her parent to answer. She couldn't focus on schoolwork nor quidditch practice so she found herself skipping both to wait for her black owl to fly in with the answer she's been longing. 

Finally after what felt like forever the Flints parents owl flew in and handed her a letter with a  black wax with a fancy 'F' on. Standing for Flint obviously. Tatiana opens the letter with shaking hands and peers down on it slowly.

How could you be so stupid? You haven't been in Hogwarts for a year and you want to move back because of your idiocy, we are giving you two days to decide if you really want this, which is more than generous. We suggest that you pack up now just in case and fix things with Marcus. We don't want to know what you did but we want you to know that if it isn't fixed by Christmas, you won't be staying with us. Marcus is especially important right now, he's taking his mock OWLS and he doesn't need you to ruin it. 

If you fix your mistakes and can stay with us for Christmas, is Marcus coming? Is Adrian coming and have you even made friends? If you have they better be pureblood or you know they are a disgrace to the wizarding world. Halfblood is the okay but that's the least, no mudbloods. As we trust you know. 

We hope to see you fix your mess and if  decide to listen to this household, come home for Christmas along with your brother. 
With love, mother & father. 
(Send our love to Marcus and feed  moonbeam.)

Upon reading this, a certain question popped into her mind. Does she want this? Tatiana thinks she does, she did well in France and although she was never popular, she was happy. Wasn't she? But then again, she loved Hogwarts, and Lilliana and Marcus, possibly even Adrian too. Maybe she could fix it, but for now she needs to pack. The sadness and stress from losing the three closest people to her hit her and Tatiana could feel the tears rising but she swallowed back and decided to go to her dorm, she felt like she need to be strong in public, her family taught her crying is weak.


"What are you doing?" Marcus asks, startling Tatiana. 

"Packing." She responds dryly, not wanting to make conversation with him.

"For what?" He asks and Tatiana looks up at him, his eyes bloodshot like he has been crying.

"I'm moving back to France, mother and father gave me permission." Tatiana answers, she could feel her voice shaking but she holds herself together. 

"Oh." Marcus says in a small voice, Tatiana could tell he was shocked and she almost sensed guilt but she wasn't sure. 

"See you at Christmas." He mumbles and another wave of sadness washes over Tatiana. Did he not even care?

"Hmm." Tatiana hums, she wasn't even sure she wanted to return. It's obvious her parents didn't love her, they simply put up with her. Every letter she has sent, they make sure to bring Marcus in, if Marcus wasn't happy, she's not allowed to be.

Marcus leaves and Tatiana can't hold it in anymore, she climbs into her green satin sheets and weeps. The feeling of being unloved fills her up and suddenly Tatiana isn't hungry anymore. Her once dry sheets now soaked and dirty, her mascara stained her tears and now she is exhausted. Her small body feels worn out from all the tears and her eyes get droopy. Soon enough Tatiana is sound asleep.




"Who is it?" I yell, after a long day of regretting life I hear four knocks which I can only recognise as Marcus's. 

"Can I come in?" Marcus asks and I alohomora the door open, I haven't talked to him in days and since then I have ruined things with his sister and everyone around me.

"It's about Tati." He says and by his voice I can tell he's upset and his teary eyes certainly prove it. Concern hits me like a bolt of lightening, I might have cut it off and ruined life for her too, but did she do something because of it? And then it would be my fault and I could never live with myself. What if she's run away or in trouble?

"What?" I ask and he coughs which I know he's doing to cough down his tears.

"Sh-she's moving back to France." He responds and I slowly feel the world around me crumble, I did this. Marcus did this. Lilliana did this. We all did this, and now she is running away and we will never have a chance to fix it.

"When?" I ask and rub my neck which is a habit I do when stressed. 

"I don't know, I just walked by and saw her packing." He answers and I see a single tear roll down his cheek but he quickly wipes it away. "I didn't, I didn't say sorry. What if she doesn't come home for Christmas?" Marcus says and I swallow hard.

"C'mon, get Lills. We have to fix this." I say and quickly comb my messy hair. "I- me and Lilliana..." He trails off and I give him a look. "We're taking a break." He mutters, "Tati really did hold us together." I mumble and Marcus nods sadly in response.

"Get her anyway." I tell him and he walks away to get her. Then I leave the dorm and head to the other side, as I approach the door I couldn't hear her which struck some worry in me.

I open the door and see her trunk open and a few other bags full with clothes and some books, in her bed I could see a small bump which I could only hope was her. Her pillowcase was now a darker shade of green and small soft snore comes from her bed. 

"Tati..." I whisper and shake her slightly, she stirrers a bit in her sleep but doesn't wake. "Tatiana." I say slightly louder and shake her and she wakes up. "Adrian?" She mumbles and props up in her bed. "I thought you wanted nothing to do with me." She says in a questioning way and I sigh.

"You can't go." I blurt out and she looks at me in surprise. "I made up my mind, and so did you." She points out but this time she seems angry. "I didn't mean it." I say and she narrows her eyes. "Well I have, if you have come to tell me what to do after you know my life has been a living hell since you gave up on me too then you can leave. My mind has been made and as of right now I am going to write back my parents saying yes!" She sneers and gets up but I give her a pleading look which she ignores. I know she is mad at me and she has every reason to be. 

Just then Marcus and Lilliana come rushing in which takes Tatiana by surprise. "Leave! My room is not a room for you to meet up and tell me what to do." She shoots me an angry look and I play with my rings. 

"Tats..." Lilliana says softly but Tatiana looks at her in disgust. "Don't you even try to be my friend. I am 'fixing my mess' as you put it by leaving." She mocks and Lilliana looks guilty.

"Tatiana, please." Marcus pleads but Tatiana turns her back at him. "Tatiana, just listen. We are sorry and we want you to stay and be our friends again." Marcus says quickly and Tatiana turns around sharply.

"You have made it quite clear that we are siblings, not friends." She snarls and walks out, slamming the door behind her.

"What are we going to do?" Lilliana groans.

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