𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓 (𝕰𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖉)

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Hello guys! Today is international women's day so I think it's important to acknowledge all the strong women role models.
Women hold a big part in history and the present. Well done to all the strong women out there who are fighting their own battles everyday, i love you so much and i'm so proud of you for staying.
Every girl is beautiful, strong and deserves love and happiness. (Except Umbridge ofc)
Thankyou to my friends who still stick around and to my mum, i appreciate you all so much from the bottom of my heart.

Here is a chapter to emphasize women's strength.

Thankyou for everything guys! - xox



Tatiana suddenly bursts out laughing at what Dumbledore said. You wouldn't expect that from a Headmaster, right? She runs to meet Adrian down the corridor where they said they would meet and tells him between laughs on what Dumbledore said.

"Adrian, guess what Dumbledore said?"

"What? Are you in trouble?"

"No, Dumbledore said instead of beating her ass. I should have dueled her, I will next time, will you join in?"


The two burst out laughing and head to the Slytherin Common Room so they can do their potions homework and just hang out. Moments like these always make Tatiana smile when she looks back at them, it's funny how a simple memory with a certain person can mean so much.


The portrait swings open, revealing the dark interior and the chilly breeze. "Is it always this cold?" Tatiana asks as she hugs her cloak more tightly to her torso, "Here, take this." Adrian takes his jumper off and hands it to Tatiana. A gesture which usually would be overlooked as friends, but considering what had been going on the past week, it definitely seemed more than a friendly act. 

"No, you will be cold!" Tatiana protests but Adrian smirks and leans down to whisper;

"No because you will be with me."

Tatiana blushes immensely and pulls the baggy jumper over her head but  it gets stuck in her knotted hair, which knotted from the fight with Tanisha. "I can't see." Tatiana says and Adrian snorts very loudly, which grasps attention from dozen other Slytherins in the Common Room.

*Tatiana POV*

I am so embarrassed, the hoodie is stuck because I pulled it on weird and it latched on to the hair tie in my hair, not to mention Adrian is hysterical at the sight which makes it all the more worse.

"Something funny?" I ask glumly.

"Yeah, you." He responds and I chuckle a bit.

"HEY!" I pretend to be mad and attempt to cross my hands but since I am still tangled, my arms are in the wrong holes, I lose my balance and topple over.

"Are you okay?" Adrian asks and he lifts me up, "Here, let me help." He pulls the jumper off and puts it on correctly. "That hurt!" I huff but smile anyway because I can't really be mad at him. "I'm sorry, how about I take you for a butterbeer on Saturday to make up for my terrible behaviour?" Adrian asks and I feel the heat spread over my cheeks.


We smile at each other in a comfortable silence until Lilliana runs in. "TATIANA! COME QUICK, MARCUS IS GOING TO KILL THIS BOY, HE WONT LISTEN TO ME!" She yells frantically and me, her and Adrian sprint to where the boys were fighting.

'til death do us apart | Adrian PuceyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz