Definitely problems

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Definitely problems
02||third person

"well well well..look here." Zeke said from behind john. Arlo quickly went to face john. "Leave now. Your not welcome." Arlo practically growled at him. "Geez who woke him up?" Ezlynn whispered to sera while pointing to arlo,zeke, and john. "That was why we were here. I was going to tell you about them." Sera whispered. 'So i guess everyone is afraid of them? but why?' ezlynn asked herself and she would find out.

"I already told you to leave" Arlo said again. John hadn't said anything yet. He just stood there with a shattering gaze. Students started whispering about what john was thinking about, But they wouldn't dare ask.John shot a look to the right of the room.  Students stopped talking as soon as he did. One of the students got scared and tried to run out but got pushed to the ground by zeke.

Zeke's ability activated and he was about to punch the student, but then john spoke. "Lets go he isn't here" john said as he started to walk out. Zeke started to follow, turning of his ability. "Your lucky." Zeke said before running off.

"Who do you think he was looking for?..." Students started to say. Arlo went back to standing next to sera. "Probably blyke." Sera said to herself. "Who?" Ezlynn said looking at Seraphina. "Blyke, an friend of ours. They hate each other. Then again so does everyone here." Said Seraphina, answering her question. "Why?- why is he like this?" Ezlynn asked. "Who john?" Sera was confused at what she was asking. "Yeah john." Ezlynn wanted answers now. "Remi, the school queen. Think it's because arlo practically jumped him. The school thinks the power got to his head. No one is close enough to know why." Seraphina explained then looked at arlo. "Wait, arlo this dude right?" She said, pointing to arlo.

"Yeah, he's arlo the former school king" seraphina said, leaning back in her chair. "Have you guys ever stopped to think the power got to his head because he was pushed? Because he was hurt and wanted revenge?" Ezlynn said. She didn't know much about this, except what she just witnessed and what she was told. Arlo looked at her then the ground. "I don't think so. He had a choice to stop. It's gone too far now." Seraphina stated. "I gotta get to my next class." Ezlynn said, she wanted an excuse to get out of here. She got out of the seat and walked towards the door. "I saw it on the way here." She said with an smile then left.

At home||5:45 pm
Ezlynn's view

Oh god today was hetic. I said while falling on my bed. I needed to start on homework but I was hungry. Suddenly I wondered who was Blyke and why did he hate john. I decided to eat, do homework then find out more on John. I walked into the kitchen and made a soup. It took around 30 minutes to eat and cook the soup. I walked back into my room and sat down infront of my desk. I started on homework when suddenly my phone began ringing.

"Hello?" I said.

Hurry up and meet me at the cafe down the street."the person on the line said.
"Uh who is this?" I asked
"Doesn't matter just meet me at the cafe. We'll talk there."
"Uh ok?" I said and the phone hung up.

I got ready and put a pocket knife in my pocket so i could protect myself if anything. I left and went to the cafe.

||6:25 pm.

Then I realized who wanted to talk..

Sorry about the late update!  I was focused on school. The word count for this chapter was 616 words. Hope you liked it!
~author out

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