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Narrator - I'm Deetya2u and I'll be ur host . . . . . . . . . anyhoo I have nothing to say so umm I will just start the story.

Marinette POV

The door was being shot by guns BAM BOOM BAM I could hear it loudly I knew it wasn't something good so I whispered to everyone to hide behind the curtain and asked Rose, Annabelle, Aunt Bridgette and uncle Felix to follow me they did the same. And as soon as the door opened I couldn't believe who it was.That STUPID IDIOTIC BRAINLESS PERSON the one who KILLED MY PARENTS. 


Marinette - NO 

I screamed and ran towards him using the power of destruction

Basically Cactaclysim

I ran toward him but as I was about to kill him he held my hand and stopped me from moving further he took out a gun and pointed it towards my neck I got scared.

HM - If anyone comes here I'll kill her.

I gulped but then got an idea. 

I took my elbow and pushed him in his stomach and by a trigger, he mistakenly shot the bullet and I quickly dodged but I still don't know how to use the power of destruction I didn't know what to do I need a little help but all their powers are being blocked due to the magic wall due to the coronation there's no disturbance allowed so only I have mine activated.

Narrator - Cliff Hanger @The_Normal_Cattake it from here I'm wasted

Princess Marinette of AsiaWhere stories live. Discover now