Chapter 4- Who to Kill?

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“So let me get this straight, Mina, Iker is picking you up after work?” Ali asked.

“Yes, Alison, how many times have you asked that question?” Mina answered.

“Twenty-first! But I need to be sure.” Ali said.

“About what?” Mina asked.

“Some things.” Ali answered.

“Do I even want to know what things? Unai mentioned you hang with Cesc a lot.” Mina tried to change the subject.

“Are you finally going to give in to someone and actually date?”Ali asked.

“We both know I am heartless, Alison.” Mina snapped. “Anyway, got to go, the boss is giving me the most evil stare she could muster, I could totally feel the papers burn.” she added and ended the call.

Iker remained seated and leaned on against the wall, watching his teammates get ready. It’s been thirty minutes since Aitor Karanka and Jose Mourinho gave out instructions and tactics for tomorrow’s game and he was waiting for Mina to answer his text message. He thought of Mina and how she made him laugh; her jokes were cheesy but he laughed. Maybe it was Mina’s talent or knack to make fun of things without being mean or maybe it was her facial expressions. He shook his head and smiled.

“Something you want to share, Iker?” Xabi asked and Iker looked at him.

“Nothing really.” Iker said and shrugged. Xabi rolled his eyes.

“What’s up?” Mesut asked, looking back and forth at Xabi and Iker.

“He’s keeping something else from us.” Xabi said.

“Leave the pouting to other people, Xabi. I just am happy, okay?” Iker asked.

“Are you sure?” Mesut asked.

The three of them looked at each other. They both know something was up. Iker was going to be benched. Again. But before any more questions are asked, Iker’s phone chimed and he stood up alertly and grabbed his phone, but not before Mesut grabbed it.

“Is that Eva? Are you finally going to be together?” Xabi asked excitedly.

At the mention of “Eva” everyone in the locker room stopped what they were doing and looked at Iker. They all know that Iker has been in love with Eva since he met her. At first, everyone approved of her, but knowing how Eva treated Iker, they all felt like pushing the girl six feet below the ground. IF ONLY that was possible. Determined to stop whatever is going to happen, Mesut looked at the screen and his eyes widened when he read the screen.

“Mina? Who’s Mina?” Mesut asked, frowning.

“Give me that!” Iker called out excitedly.

“Why so excited?” Xabi asked, smirking.

“Guys, leave him alone.” Sergio said and Mesut and Xabi looked at him. “What?!” he demanded as Iker grabbed the phone from Mesut’s hand.

Mina: I know you won’t take no for an answer, so yes.

“Perfect! See you guys tomorrow!” Iker called out and smiled gratefully at Sergio.

“Tell whatever-the-color-of-her-top-is I said hi.” Sergio said cheerfully and chuckled.

Mina looked at her reflection on the mirror. A brunette, long haired girl looked at her. She reached for some concealer, foundation and lipgloss and did the simple makeup that she always opts for. After making sure she at least looked presentable, she grabbed her bag, checked out of her work and headed outside, just in time to see Iker’s car coming to a stop. Iker threw the door open and Mina went inside.

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