Chapter 9- Good Morning

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“You are NEVER EVER seeing that guy again, like EVER, Mina!” Ali half-yelled.

“If I promise not to, do you promise not to break my eardrums?” she asked and Ali laughed.

“I’m just worried about you.” Ali said.

“Thank you, but I will be fine.” Mina said.

“No you’re not! I left you for a few days..a few days, Mina! And this happened. I am so going back to Madrid and punching Unai!”

“Hey, relax, why are you punching Unai?” she asked.

“Because he should have just beaten that guy and never allowed you to meet him!” Ali said.

“Whoa, you are such a raging bull, Alison!” Mina said and laughed. “So, how are things with Cesc?” she asked.

“Getting better. I still miss you and Unai though.” Ali said.

“Well’ maybe Unai and I will get a free weekend and we can go and visit you!” Mina said.

“Please tell me that’s soon.” Ali said.

The two girls talked on and on until they were laughing so hard they couldn’t breathe and talk anymore. It was only just 7 in the evening and Mina decided it would be best to go out for dinner. Unai was out on a date and she wasn’t in a mood to cook, after all.

Dressed in a Bohemian asymmetrical dress and a pair of red flats, she locked the flat and went on to have dinner.

“Hey, Mina, where are you?” Sergio asked as soon as Mina answered the call.

“Well, hello too, Sergio.” Mina greeted and Sergio chuckled.

“So, are you out on a hot date tonight?” he asked.

“No.” Mina answered.

“Good because if you date someone who’s not Iker I will kill that someone. We’re having a night out.”

“Oh you are? Well, have fun!” Mina said.

“Come with us and for God’s sake, can you open your door?” Sergio asked.

“Sergio, I’m not at home.” Mina answered.

“Oh. Well, where are you?” he asked.

“I decided to go out for dinner alone.” Mina answered.

“Well, would you like to join me and a few guys at a club?” he asked.

“Text me where and I’ll be there.” Mina said.

“That’s my girl.” Sergio said and ended the call.

Mina finished her dinner, paid for it and hailed a cab that will take her to the said club that Sergio texted her. Before entering the club, she pulled out her ponytail, ran her fingers on her hair and put some red lipstick on. The moment she went inside, she spotted Sergio clinging unto some random model and joined his friends on the table, who turned out to be some young guys from the team.

“Sergio has been polluting your minds, kids.” Mina said and the guys looked at him and laughed.

“I’m Alvaro.” the guy seated on his right said.

“Hi. Call me..” Mina began.

“MINAAA!” Sergio butted in and pulled Mina to a hug. “This is Mina, everyone and be nice, this girl is special.”

Sergio went back to the model that he was clinging to and danced while the guys and Mina talked. Sergio dropped by and told everyone he was going. The guys and Mina seemed to be all having fun and enjoying each other’s company. While the guys were counting the drinks they were taking, Mina was busy taking shots and drinking. She was never much of a drinker, but tonight, she needs to end her own misery and forget everything, so drink she did.

“Hey, Mina, someone’s calling you.” Alvaro said, pointing at her phone.

“Oh, that. Leave it.” Mina said and stood up.

“Where are you going?” Nacho asked.

“Dance floor.” Mina said.

Mina walked over to the dance floor and began to dance. At first, the dances were innocent that she barely didn’t get any glance from other people but as the songs change, the dances become sexy, causing people to look at her. Alvaro began to panic and stood up to try and calm her down but to no avail.

“We seriously need to call someone.” Alvaro told Nacho.

“Who to call”? he asked.

“Sergio?” Alvaro suggested and Nacho nodded.

But before they could call Sergio, Alvaro spotted Mina’s phone and saw that someone was calling her. He reached out to her phone and saw Iker’s face. Alvaro breathed out, finally.

“Hola Iker.” Alvaro greeted.

“Alvaro? What are you doing with Mina’s phone?” he asked.

“I need your help. Sergio invited Mina to join us at a club and right now, she’s crazy drunk dancing on the dance floor and ay dios mio! Just please hurry up, I do not know what to do with her.” Alvaro said.

“What club?” Iker asked urgently.

Alvaro told him the name of the club, ended the call and handed the phone to Nacho. Alvaro headed to the dance floor and fend guys off and away from Mina, who was still dancing and giggling.

“’re cute.” Mina told Alvaro and threw her arms around his neck and began to dance again.

Iker parked his car hurriedly and walked into the front line and was allowed access, of course. He thanked the bouncers and started to look for Mina. He didn’t have to look longer, he spotted Mina dancing on top of a table while Nacho, Alvaro and several of the younger guys were trying to stop her. He shook his head and went over to them.

“Hola, Iker. Miss me?” Mina greeted her as soon as Iker placed his hands around her waist.

“Mina, what do you think are you doing?” he asked.

“Having fun.” Mina answered.

“Come on, let’s get you home.” Iker said.

“I don’t want to go home.” Mina said, pouting.

Iker shook his head, grabbed Mina’s purse and dragged her gently towards the exit, with the help of Alvaro. After thanking the guys, Iker got in the car and made sure Mina’s seatbelt was strapped in and drove towards his house.

“Mina, Mina..” Iker began and shook her softly.

Mina was obviously passed out drunk and Iker had no choice but to carry her inside his place. He was careful enough and took care of her. He let her sleep on his bed and tucked her in. He watched her sleep and didn’t notice that he too, was falling asleep beside her.

“Hmm..” was the first thing that Mina ever said.

She was groggy, sleepy, tired, everything was spinning and she was as thirsty as fuck. An arm around snaked its way around her and her eyes flew wide open. She turned and spotted a sleeping Iker beside her. She watched him for awhile and started to trace Iker’s face with her fingers, making sure she was doing it softly. Iker’s eyes opened and stared at her. She bit her lip and looked away. Her heart was beating faster. He reached for the glass of water and aspirin, then handed it to Mina. Their fingers brushing. Mina blushed and Iker chuckled.

“Good morning.” Iker greeted and smiled at her.

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