Chapter 11 - I Love You

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“Are you actually telling me that you spent the night with Iker, in his bed and he was shirtless and nothing happened?!”

“Yes, Ali.” Mina said.

“And he kissed you on top of your head and you did nothing?” Ali checked.

“Why do I have the feeling that I am talking to a mere five-year-old?” Mina asked, sounding irritated.

“The plot thickens.” Ali said.

“Ugh. Call you later, I just realized tomorrow’s a big quiz and I haven’t even started studying. You’re so lucky you get to move to a new school.” Mina complained.

“Are you kidding me? My dad almost wanted to send me home and a university without a classmate-slash-roommate-slash-friend-slash-BFF like you is just..horrible.” Ali said and Mina smiled.

“But then again, you’re with Cesc.. Remember that poster of him in your room? And you told me he’s got nice thighs.”

“Now that’s something I won’t trade the world for.” Ali said.

“I know.” Mina said.

“But tell me, does it bother you?” she asked.

“That my classmate-slash-roommate-slash-friend-slash-BFF is in Barcelona? NO. I mean, sure, things aren’t the same without you here but I am happy for you. And I know that every night, you get laid every chance you get..” Mina teased and Ali laughed.

“Maybe you will get laid too. Just grab some drinks and drunk-call Iker.” Ali suggested.

“Ew, no.” Mina responded.

“Don’t you have a quiz to study for?” Ali asked.

“Geez, woman, relax.” Mina answered.

“I have to go anyway. I am dragging myself to work.” Ali said.

“Have fun.” Mina said and laughed along with Ali.

Mina plugged in the charger of her phone and left it on the counter. She eyed the book and notes she had to study with but didn’t touch them. Instead, she started cleaning up around the flat. She decided she wasn’t going to get a roommate. Ali is irreplaceable, after all. The door opened and in came a smiling Unai and in his hands were cans of Coke and some food.

“You’re a lifesaver, you know that?” Mina asked.

“Well, it runs in the family. Besides I cannot just leave you alone, Mina. Ali would kick my ass for that and my brother, you know..Iker Casillas Fernandez, you call him? He’s going to kill me if he finds out I’m forgetting about you just because I have a girlfriend now.”

“How’s the girlfriend?” Mina asked.

“Excited to meet you.” Unai answered.

“I am happy for you and I cannot wait to meet her too!” Mina said and Unai smiled.

The two sat down on the couch and began to eat while they teased each other.

“So, how’s you and my brother?” Unai asked.

“What kind of a question is that?” Mina answered.

“The kind of question that my mother, father, Ali and everyone else is asking you two.” Unai said.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Mina said.

“You two never give straight answers, I swear.” Unai said.

“Because the answer is obvious, Unai.” Mina said.

“You two are happy together.” Unai concluded.

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