Chapter 1 - The Very First Meeting

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“I don’t get it, I’m not even invited, I don’t personally know the host of this dinner party and I really don’t want to be thrown out.”

Mina tried to reason to her roommate, Alison, who dragged her into this. Alison flipped her hair and looked at Mina and smiled. Mina was usually confident and comfortable with herself; but whenever she stands next to Alison, she couldn’t help but feel a bit insecure. Whenever Alison flips her hair, it reminds Mina of a Victoria’s Secret model who struts in the runway and teasingly flips her hair. She suppressed a sigh. Why can’t she look that beautiful?

“Hello? Earth to Ma—I mean, Mina.” Alison said, waving her hand a few inches away from Mina’s face, she blinked.

“Uh..yeah?” Mina asked.

“Exactly! You need some social life, Mina. You’re beautiful, sexy, vivacious and intelligent. Why, if I wasn’t straight at all, we’d be making out right at this moment.” Alison said, causing Unai to laugh out loud.

“I’d love to see that.” Unai teased them.

“How did you two meet again?” Mina asked, attempting to change topics.

“Ali and Carlota are good friends and Carlota introduced us.” Unai said.

“Carlota..?” Mina asked.

“Cesc Fabregas’ sister.” Unai said.

“That guy with thick eyebrows and nice thighs? The one you have a poster of at your room?” Mina asked Alison.

“She what?” Unai asked at the same time that Alison said “You’re joking!”

Mina bit her lip and let Alison fend for herself. A few minutes later, Unai parked his car and they went out. Mina took her time. When she went out, Unai and Alison were still talking about the said Cesc Fabregas poster. She straightened her long, hot pink tank top and made sure her leggings weren’t wrinkly. She also made sure her hair was “fabulous” as Alison always points out.

“Come on.” Unai said and held her by the elbow.

“Are you sure about this?” Mina asked.

“Relax, Mina. My brother is the one hosting this dinner party and I’m allowed to bring guests.” Unai said.

“Guests that he knows.” Mina insisted.

“True, but he won’t throw you out.” Alison said.

“You’re not helping at all, Alison.” Unai said.

“If I get thrown out, do I get to vandalize your car, Unai?” Mina asked.

“No.” Unai answered and smiled.

“Just let’s go already!” Alison impatiently said and dragged Mina inside, followed by a laughing Unai.

Iker breathed in as he waited for his guests to arrive. He was a bit nervous about this dinner party because of two things: first, it was his first time to host it and second, he was hoping that the other woman that Sergio brought for him, would not stay after the party is over. She’s not his type. Sergio smirked at him.

“Hey, sorry we’re late! I brought Alison, you all know her of course.” Unai announced as he came in.

“Unai!” Iker greeted his brother happily and smiled at Alison. “Behave, Ali.” he warned and Ali smirked.

“You know I cannot promise that.”Ali said and then pulled a brunette, petite girl close to her.

“And who’s this?” Iker asked, looking at her. Their eyes met and the girl blushed and looked away.

“But she’s not invited.” Sergio said, looking at her.

“Uhm..sorry.” the girl said and walked away.

“Sergio!” Unai and Alison both called out.

“I was kidding.” Sergio said. “Hey, hot pink, come back!” Sergio called out after her.

“You guys go sit down and I’ll go get her.” Iker said, throwing a look at Sergio, who painted a penitent look.

Mina swore and ended up sitting inside Unai’s car. She shouldn’t have come. She could have just stayed at their flat and read or browse the internet or sleep. She was about to dial some cab company on her phone, when the door of Unai’s car opened and someone came in.

“Hey.” the guy, probably Unai’s brother said. “Don’t take whatever Sergio said personal. He likes to tease girls like you.”

“He’s right though, I wasn’t invited. I really didn’t want to come but Alison and Unai made me.” she added.

“I’m Iker.” he said.

“Mina.” she said and they shook hands.

“And since I’m the host of this dinner party, I am inviting you.” Iker said and she looked away.

“I’’s okay. I think I’ll just go home.” Mina said.

Before Iker could argue, Mina placed her phone on her right ear and was already talking to the cab company. Iker knows he should go back inside now, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Mina.

“I have to go. The cab will be here in five minutes. I’ll just wait outside.” Mina said and went out of the car. Iker followed.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go back inside?” Iker asked.

“Yes.” Mina said.

“You can still change your mind.” Iker insisted and Mina looked at him.

“It’s okay. Please tell Unai I was only joking about vandalizing his car.” Mina said and walked towards the cab that was now waiting for her.

Iker watched the cab drive away until it was no longer in sight. He went back inside and breezed right through the dinner party that he was hosting. He couldn’t help but think about Mina.

“This was a blast! Thank you for having me here.” Alison told Iker.

“You and Mina are friends, right?” Iker asked.

“She’s the best roommate ever!” Ali said, slightly tipsy from the wine that she chugged down awhile ago.

“I see.” Iker said, maintaining his poker face.

“I’ll drive Ali back to her place and I’ll be back.” Unai told him.

“Do you know where Mina lives?” Iker asked and Unai looked at his older brother.

“She lives with Ali.” Unai answered, studying his brother’s face.

“Drive safe, bro and by the way, Mina said she was joking about vandalizing your car.” Iker said and Unai chuckled.

“She can be funny when she wants to.” Unai said and smiled, then left Iker.

Mina yawned and finally turned off the TV. It was already 2 in the morning, she stood up and headed to her room and tried to get some sleep. There were two things she couldn’t stop thinking about: her humiliation at the dinner party that she gatecrashed and Iker. 

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