Tales of a Kingdom

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Aelin made sure not to take long, she couldn't be bothered to dress in her assassin's suit and so picked an elegant light blue day dress which went down to her ankles but had slight slits around the hips to allow a hand to sneak in and grab a knife, she made sure to put on her blades underneath, because she felt she might need to prove a point, then followed Rhys's instructions.

The fellow really was rather ugly, but the parrot was by far worse, she admired it for a moment, or rather laughed at it, then her eyes found the right door and she made her entrance.

When they looked surprised to see her, she really didn't know why. The room had a dining table with a mix of breakfast and lunch options, with plenty of tea and coffee, it seemed everyone in the Inner Circle had different tastes when it came to that department. Rhys and Feyre were flopped on a couch further into the room, looking zonked out.

Cassian was sitting a the table on a backless stool, shoving food down his gullet as quickly as possible. Azriel seemed to have succumb to the fact he needed to eat, and was looking a bit on edge in his own chair a couple down from the end of the table where Cassian perched.

This was the second time Aelin had seen Amren, yet she was still on a sofa, with her feet plopped up on the coffee table between her seat and the High Lord and Lady's, and she was eating some toast a bit dejectedly.

The last were Nesta, and the woman Aelin had seen for a split second as she sprinted through a dark room to break into a house.

Aelin worked it out the moment she saw Azriel turn and his eyes looking her up and down, a fork halfway to his mouth. Cassian was too busy to really pay much heed but gave her a nod, a once over then another nod with a glance at his wife.

She realised that they had only seen her in two outfits, the first her fighting leathers, she had practically been living in them since she came to this world, so she could always be on guard, and while it was definitely comfortable, they didn't do much for her figure. The second outfit they had seen was at dinner last night, they had definitely seemed surprised then which had made Aelin a big smug, but that wasn't quite the same as now, it had to cover the fact she was still wearing her leathers, whereas this one cut low, showed off her entire arms and moves closely around her legs, still with enough room to move however.

"Well come in and sit down, or don't it really doesn't matter. You just need to explain yourself." She had heard Nesta was a bitch, seen it herself when they first met in the Illyrian camp, but Aelin hadn't appreciated it before. Now she did, and smirked at Nesta then plopped down into the chair on Azriel's left, on the opposite side than Cassian and between the two sisters and the two Illyrians. She had a good view of the other seats too, the three in the lower part of the room turned to watch her too, waiting patiently.

She swung all her weight back in her chair and grabbed a bit of toast, as she bit into it she gave Azriel a cheeky sideways grin and a wink. He watched her until she winked, then his eyes darkened a fraction and he turned away, she could almost convince herself he was feigning innocence. His sense of humour was definitely to her tastes and Aelin's lips curved involuntarily before she turned her attention back to the sisters.

"Nice to meet you properly Elain!" She then stuck out her non-toast hand for the other woman to shake. The middle sister practically baulked away from her hand, looked confused for a moment then took it in both of her own and shook it gently. A lady born and bred, probably never shook hands with another woman before.

Aelin couldn't help the little giggle which escaped her throat as she chewed more toast and caught Amren's eye to give her a smile, purposefully ignoring Feyre she dipped her head to Rhys, and finished with a, "And a good morning to you Nesta as well!"

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