A Strange Group of Bastards

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Aelin was not in a good mood, she had been woken up by dark talons clawing over her walls of fire, and nearly, for a moment, thought she was back in that iron coffin with Maeve. She had waited for the room to relax before she reached out to grab the nearest person, the nearest person to hold by the throat with the hidden blades in her suit.

Once she was safely on her feet, and they were on the other side of the bed, she realised that was a stupid mistake. As she took in the man she had threatened, she realised something, this was the male who had slowed her down, who had helped her get home all those years ago. He however, didn't seem to recognise her, so she kept her mouth shut about that. Cassian was looking quite relaxed, the only one of them in the room.

Then there were 3 others, the mated pair, and then the male. Shadows swirled around him and 7 cobalt siphons covering him, and she immediately recognised him as Azriel, the spymaster of the Night Court. Aelin couldn't deny he was pretty, he reminded her of someone Rowan had once brought back to their bed once. That was why she had winked at him, and the answering narrow of his eyes made it all the worth it.

"What's all this Cassian? A surprise party?" He snorted in response and waved a hand towards the others.

"This is the rest of the Night Court's Inner Circle, well most of them, the High Lord and Lady, and our dearest shadowsinger Azriel." Aelin just shook her head at him and turned back to the High Lord and Lady.

"Surely people of such a high position would have more courtesy towards guests?" She raised a single eyebrow at them, "You surely can't be so rude."

The High Lady, Feyre, stepped forward, infront of her mate, "You have come from a different world, the last one we know to have walked between worlds was incredibly dangerous, we did not want to fight anyone."

Aelin just snorted a laugh at that, "Sure sure, the best way not to fight anyone is to go poking about their head as they sleep."

The High Lord ignored her, and asked "What world are you from?"

She tilted her head at him, crossing her arms over her chest and narrowing her gaze on him, "My world."

He gave a light laugh that did not sound in the least amused, "I have had enough problems this century, do not become another one."

"Oooh, testy today are we Rhysand?"

Rhys paused, glanced at Cassian then asked, "Who told you my name?"

"Aloysius of course!" Another glance between the general and his High Lord.

"And who pray tell is Aloysius?"

"One of those Illyrians in the Rite, he was quite fun really, shame I had to kill him, he was good at making knives." She shrugged and flicked her gaze around the room again, the only sign she wasn't completely relaxed.

"And how did you end up in the woods of the Blood Rite?" Rhys' tone was cautious, intruiged.

"Fell through a portal didn't I?"

"In the sky?" He asked immediately.

Aelin paused, "Why did you both ask me that?" She turned to look at Cassian, "Did the previous one fall from the sky?"

"Azriel, we need Amren." Feyre's voice was firm, and the shadowsinger nodded and turned to go, but Aelin tutted.

"Excuse me, what pretty face am I meant to look at if you send him away?" The male turned, frowning slightly, but he looked amused.

"Rhys and I are right here, don't worry Celaena!"

Aelin scrunched her nose in a very, unqueen-like manner, and sighed, "Fine fine, send the handsome one away."

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