Part 2: A Cold Welcome

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Aelin decided this must be the House of Wind, it was beautiful, the whole city was beautiful infact, not as beautiful as hers but close enough. Azriel's face was stone cold, like in order to cope he had slunk back into himself. She didn't know if he knew they were her flames, but he stayed silent, still carried her, gently as he had before. They landed through an open balcony, much to her delight, these people liked to travel in style thats for sure. He let her slide from his arms and she stepped out of his grasp, spinning like she was at a ball.

It wasn't her fault she had panicked earlier, the dark had enclosed around her and she had just panicked, but she knew it wasn't the male carrying her, she just knew he had no intention to harm her, thank the gods that though had transferred to her flames. They were wild in her human form, and had only burst forth through sheer, utter panic. Once created she had no control in her human skin, and so hadn't been able to put them out. Aelin was however relieved that the darkness which had then come from the High Lord seemed ineffective and the female's magic had only worked as the flames were dying anyway now that the shadows had gone. It had been so unfair on dear Azriel, to cover him in flames again, it was as cruel as it was to trap her in the dark. Apologising was near impossible but she tried to convey to him the closest possible alternative which wouldn't give her away or confirm any theories he may start to build around her not being human. She could tell humans did not hold magic in this world, and that to show them her power would be very, very bad.

Aelin grinned at the spymaster who stood like a statue exactly where he had landed, he looked a bit pale in all honestly and she tilted her head in concern for all of a moment before spinning away again, moving around the room like living fire itself, having a good look at everything since she didn't know when she would next get a chance. Ever since she had felt her power she had been diving down into it, digging and digging into that replenished well. Aelin just wanted to be prepared, but she was feeling the strain of the power again, and starting to wonder how she had ever coped with the missing third ontop of it.

"This way." Rhys was the one who started off first, with Feyre just behind him, Nesta and Cassian followed just behind and Azriel's short step prompted her to follow with him behind. The halls they walked through weren't dark enough to put her on edge, but she felt all around her, honed in on the sensitivity of her human senses, and moved like a ghost through the passageways.

She was not expecting the bright reading room they appeared in a few minutes of walking later. If the city had been gorgeous, this was even more so.  There were windows in the ceiling, shelves everywhere, vanishing off into the distance, but the room was filled with a bright midday light. In the middle of the room, directly under a ceiling light, was a pair of sofas and a coffee table. Books where everywhere and that idea filled Aelin with delight, she wondered what new stories she could find in this world, wondered if there would be any she recognised. She also wondered, and hoped on the gods that she may find a book on Wyrdmarks. Now that is something that would be incredibly helpful right about now.

A small woman was sitting on one of the chairs, flicking through a book and looking royally pissed off. Rhys and Feyre paused ahead of her, exchanging a glance between them then strode the last remaining steps, Feyre sliding down into a seat infront of where the High Lord leant on the back of the chair opposite the... well Aelin supposed she was actually a female, a Fae. Yet she held an air about her Aelin couldn't be sure of, she just couldn't be sure of what it was. Despite the spymaster at her back she didn't take another step into the room, simply observed as Nesta and Cassian, the first of the Inner Circle she had met, also seated themselves, side by side on the far end from the ominous Amren.

Aelin watched their friendly greetings, the closed mouth smiles and dipping of heads and tried to read the room. As much as she knew about the terrifying "monster" that this female was, she wanted to see how she really ranked in this group, if she actually held weight to push with in this Court. From the respectful distance Cassian and Nesta were putting between them, she reckoned it was a lot more than the tiny female looked like she could push.

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