Not The Expected

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Feyre honestly didn't know what to think of the wicked woman now bathing in the room next door. A quick glance at her companions proved they were equally confused.

"She's definitely a complex one isn't she." Cassian was watching Rhys carefully and his face was near unreadable as he frowned at the door.

"She is... quite something that's for sure," she watched her mate rip his attention away to stare at her and Cassian instead. "So she says she just appeared in the woods?"

"That's her story," their general gave a curt nod.

"But how would she know to go up the mountain... and why would anyone think that was a smart idea.... it's simply impossible." Feyre clasped her hands together and tried to think, tried to put it all together and understand this woman.

"She's human but she doesn't seem scared," she mused aloud. The two males looked at her curiously, "Do you think there's Fae in her world too? High Fae or something like it at least?"

Rhysand smiled at her and reached for her hands, holding them in his own, "She may be fast but we can winnow remember, I could have slid away at any moment I just didn't want her to panic." She looked up and met his eyes, they were steady, like always and they read her like a book.

I'm fine, we're safe, we're fine.


It was all she could think to respond with, she shooed Cassian out of the seat and plonked into it herself.

"She seemed determined to not tell us anything about her world, almost too determined."

Rhys was leaning in the doorway now and Cassian had said fuck it and sat on the bed. Feyre didn't trust it, that woman might have done something to it.

"We all want to protect ourselves Feyre, she's got a family, maybe Fae aren't as kind in her world but she's putting on a brave face." The two of them were watching her carefully, almost too carefully, waiting to see any fleeting emotion that crossed her face.

"What is it?" Her voice came out with a snap, which she hadn't been intending but she was on edge, the mention of her son and a blade at her mate's throat had made her a bit touchy as of late. But the two of them just kept staring at her until she let out a deep sigh and tipped her head back into the headrest. "Just tell me why you're both staring at me like I'm about to keel over."

"She doesn't seem very welcoming to you, she didn't blink at Nesta but she's been cold to you since you got here... Any clue why?" Cassian leaned forward, voice pressing her to answer.

"Huh? Has she been cold to me?"

Rhys also sighed, stretching upwards, "I believe the kids call it 'being snide' if I've been keeping up with the culture," he lowered his chin and looked at her in a way which sent shivers up her spine, "Do you think you did something to offend her?"

"Nothing that I can think of..." Feyre frowned now, completely unsure of herself, she thought she had been getting better since the war, she'd had 15 years to settle into her life, but she was still unsure of interacting with people, years in the woods with no social interaction would do that to someone.

"Maybe she just doesn't like women," Cassian remarked, "or maybe... you remind her of someone." He tipped his head sideways now and regarded her for a minute, before shaking it and getting up. "I'm going to speak to Nesta,  you two wait until she gets out."

He slid past Rhys into the corridor, gave his brother a pat on the shoulder and then his silhoutte retreated into the dim light of the cabin. Her mate watched him go for a moment, before moving into the room and kneeling by her. He reached for her hand and squeezed it gently, making steady eye contact and tapping on her mental shields.

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