This is Cold for You?

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She knew who this was, surprisingly. The General, Cassian. One of the High Lord's Inner Circle, a bastard Illyrian with a record number of siphons that only his other bastard brother, Azriel, could match.

"What in the Cauldron..." His voice was deep, and commanding, but his surprise was not hidden from his tone.

Aelin glanced around her and took in her surroundings, a war camp, as she had expected. Males surrounded her in a circle and she saw 2 wrecked ones puffing themselves up and walking about getting congratulated, likely the owners of the 2 sets of footprints she had seen. The general approached her cautiously and the Illyrians closed rank from the gap he left, they were efficient she would give them that. She continued smiling as he gave her a wide berth and walking all the way around her, staring at her in utter fascination. After he had walked all around her, he stopped about 5 feet away, directly infront of her and his wings flared slightly. Aelin would be lying if she said she didn't admire how they caught the light, but she turned her attention back to his face as he spoke.

"Are you going to introduce yourself princess?" Oh so he was an arrogant bastard, good to know.

"Celaena Sardothien, at your service."

"A strange name, but you must be a rather strange human yourself, to find yourself completing the Blood Rite." His eyes focussed on her and narrowed. "Unless you aren't actually human."

The murmuring started the minute he mentioned completion of the Rite. Things like "no woman or female could ever complete the Rite, it's for warriors". Aelin simply turned a smile round them, and looked back at the General.

"You haven't introduced yourself, handsome." She used a soft voice, to entice. Alright he was pretty hot, but she was mated, and had been married for over a decade, she was no cheater. Plus Rowan could skin this male with ease, she also wouldn't lie and she she wouldn't like to watch that. She saw him lower his chin slightly, to get a better look at her and frowned, sniffed, then stated, "You killed during the Rite."

The gasps and snarls from the crowd would have sounded terrifying to someone not used to Fae males, unfortunately Aelin was all too used to snarling contests. The general noticed this and regarded her more closely, taking in her clothes and stance.

"Was that against the rules?" Aelin responded with a pleasant smile, "A lovely male called Aloysius told me we were allowed to kill whoever we wished." More murmurs at the mention of a name, but no one seemed to upset. He must not have had much, or nobody was expecting him back anyway.

Suddenly a voice called out from the crowd, "The High Lord has interfered with the Blood Rite by placing this woman in it and cheating her through!" This was followed by many more shouts about the High Lord interfering until Cassian bellowed,


The nearby trees and huts shook and he glared round at all of them baring his teeth, "How dare you accuse your High Lord of such behaviour, he himself has completed the Rite and would never interfere with it in any manner." He paused to glare some more.

"If anyone else would like to insult our High Lord, let me know so I can skin you flesh from bone." The crowd shrank slightly, the angriest males baring teeth and swearing, spitting on the ground, but none approached to brawl. People slipped away, women and children, likely fearing his wrath. Aelin didn't move, simply watched with raised eyebrows.

"I will deal with the woman, you will all continue to celebrate our new warriors and no more talk will be heard of these insults."

The general then reached to grab her arm but she slid away from him with a wink and said brightly "Lead the way, oh great general."

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