An Attempt at Relaxation

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Feyre loved being back with all of her family, they went to the restaurant where she had first dined out with them all those years ago. This time they were joined by Elain and Nesta, resulting in a group of 8. They were seated where they always were, a large table stretching out of the open storefront.

No other diners were in the restaurant, Rhys had reserved the whole place to ensure they would have plenty of space and wouldn't disrupt anyone. He had paid handsomely and Sevenda appeared inclined to reject it, had she been given the chance.

All of them greeted the female cheerily, pulling her into hugs as they passed to take their seats at the large table. Sevenda beamed at them, while Rhys had also told her ahead of time she was free to make whatever she felt like and they would surely love it, the female insisted again that if they thought of anything she would make it up for them especially.

As they settled the restaurant's owner vanished to the kitchen and they started to pour themselves drinks. Cassian slapped Nesta's hand away from the wine and in return she chucked a chunk of bread at his head.

"Stop acting like children! There's a reason we left Danny at home!" Feyre glowered at her eldest sister, but in jest.

"Exactly Nes, if you can't act like an adult then you'll have to go home with Danny." Cassian stuck his tongue out at his wife and grinned. In return she booted his shin under the table with her metal toe-capped boots.

"He seems well, but has he been bored with all the running around you lot have been doing?" Mor asked.

"I've been in Velaris most of the time, I take him to my gardens with me when Feyre and Rhys are busy." Elain offered, though it was no replacement for his real parents.

Mor laughed and Cassian let out a snort, "He's a little attention seeker, people always give him biscuits and treats while Elain does the garden."

Azriel sent a sideways smile at Elain who returned it with a glitter in her eyes, they had spent a lot of time as a pair taking care of the child of the Night Court together, and Azriel had calmed a lot more in personality recently. Yes he still stared after Mor every so often, but it was becoming more and more platonic the more time he spent with Elain.

Mor then spent the time until food was brought chatting to Elain about her recent projects. Feyre spoke with Nesta and Amren about nothing in particular while the brothers rowdily discussed pastimes that perhaps weren't too suitable for the dinner table. Azriel let loose for once, perhaps since Mor had been away for so long, perhaps because he had finally gotten over her because he quietly recalled one of his own tales to his brothers. Though he was usually private, Az spent 5 minutes giving a detailed description of exactly what he had done to a female he had met in the Dawn Court two centuries ago after they had gone drinking.

Elain was fortunately at the other end of the table, though his voice was low enough it was difficult to hear unless he intended for your ears. Feyre however, knew exactly what they were discussing, and desperately tried not to let it show on her face.

Feyre considered Azriel had drunk a bit too much, but looked at his glass and found only water. The High Lady decided not to ask, and simply focused on talking. The table came to a comfortable silence a half-minute before Sevenda appeared back with plates and plates of food.

The eight of them dug in with laughter, and they discussed some political matters that they hadn't had a chance to talk about in the afternoon, as Celaena and Rowan were there. Mor finally divulged the remaining stories which were to do with her mission.

Finally Feyre decided to butt in, "Hey Mor, what did you think of Celaena earlier?"

Her friend was unsure what exactly she was asking, "The three of them seem nice, I especially love the wolf, he's so sweet." Azriel gave a small noise of agreement and they collectively chuckled at him.

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