Summon a Healer

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The previously attacking males all turned to look at the bar. A few of them seemed confused but then a cheer rose up, calls of "Afu!" echoed around them as the barkeep stood in silence watching the havoc before him.

Afu, as the male seemed to be called, rearranged his jacket and ran a hand through his hair, bringing to Aelin's attention for the first time - just how brightly his red hair glowed.

"I built this empire you know," Afu's voice had a lilt to it, an indication of a country life spent under the sun in the fields. "Fighting rings, good drugs, good drink, what more could this city ask for from me?"

Nesta hissed at him, going as if to move again and begin fighting, but Afu began speaking in a tone full of warning. "The Night Court was said to be a crime kingdom, a place where those with violent tendencies and a will to live by our true natures could thrive."

The majority of the crowd let out whoops at that, grinning madly and looking every part the rogues Afu was making them out to be.

"I gathered the strongest, what you people call 'criminals and low-life scum' and brought them here." He twisted a ring round his finger again but only Aelin picked up on how it was a nervous tick. "I've always been told I'm smart, too smart to be a country farmer you know?"

The boldest of the fighters around them called out in support, it would seem he was a good speaker and had managed to convince them all to believe in him. Aelin couldn't help it, she laughed.

Afu snapped his neck over to where she stood, a goddess of blood. "Something funny?" He seethed.

"Yes, actually." She began to move, so confident in herself that the males in her way actually stepped aside as she strode towards Afu. "Are you their leader then?"

The ginger gave a nod of affirmation which caused Aelin to let out another peal of laughter, "Oh this is gold!"

Nesta, Amren and Mor picked up on her attitude and relaxed from battle stances, switching from 100 to 0 in a blink of an eye. "You know, I was so upset when they told me that male this morning, Darius or whatever it was, was the leader of crime in this city."

Aelin brought her hands up to her chest and clasped them together as if she were praying, "I'm so glad you're the real one," she faked wiping away a tear as Afu glared at her.

"You're underestimating me!"

"Who me? Never!" Aelin choked another laugh as it crept up her throat and she shook her head furiously.

Afu roared in fury and raised his arms, palms pointing outwards. He snarled in Aelin's face, nearly spitting on her, as he sent bursts of flames at the buildings on the street.

"Don't burn down your little crime kingdom now, your majesty!" Aelin couldn't help but goad as the brawl resumed behind her.

"You whore!" He screamed, pointing a hand directly towards Aelin in order to incinerate her. Unfortunately for him, she dodged - easily.

"You're awfully slow, your majesty!" She rolled to the side and bounced back to her feet with a grin, she realised too late that in dodging the fire it had instead hit a wooden chapel behind her.

"Fuck," Aelin muttered, scanning the area to pinpoint what was important. Nesta and Amren were on the other side of the fire wall, fighting off the rest of the warriors and looking thoroughly bored with the little performance. Mor was closer, sweeping the legs out from beneath men and trying to get closer to Aelin.

The problem, was that the flames seemed to have summoned another 50 fighters by serving as a beacon throughout the city. Undoubtedly they were members of the organisation Afu had gathered, and they were all well trained in battle.

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