Plans in Motion

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Feyre had spent her day with paperwork cooped up in her study with a few trips out to shops and assosciates when she needed breaks. Every so often Rhys had asked how she was getting on, giving her a good idea of how their 'training' was going.

In truth she had convinced Cassian to allow her to slip into his mind and watch Rhys get his ass kicked by the three other males over and over, he was used to being able to rely on his magic but with Rowan there was no such escape. The Wild Fae male simply swatted away the darkness with the male's own much more elaborate and ancient magic.

She had been able to tell however that Rhys wasn't trying too hard, he likely didn't want to let on too much in case Rowan and Aelin ever turned on them. What none of them knew was that Rowan wasn't trying that hard either, yes he was showing his strength so they didn't underestimate him but Rowan wasn't fighting nearly as fast as he could, nor was he using any real magic other than to brush off Rhys's.

Now Feyre found herself in the dining room, awaiting her family to return. The servants hustled in an out, occassionally one of them would stop to chat for a moment before rushing off again. As she waited, she tapped her fingers off her glass, Elain and Nesta should arrive soon but her eldest sister was likely to be barely on time after training with the Valkyrie, and Elain was wandering somewhere.

Devdan was supposed to spend the day with her but her son had ran off to play with some of the children he had met at her painting shop and was expected back after eating dinner at one of his closest friend's house's with some very honoured parents. While he was still a toddler the boy was very independent and Feyre had gotten to know his father who she trusted completely, he had worked at a childrens' daycare before moving to Velaris about 200 years ago so she was happy to leave her son with such a male. They would have to collect him after dinner, but there were discussions to be had first.

Which was exactly why she started to grind her teeth while she sat at their dinner table. Everyone was late. The servants got quieter as she got testier, sitting like a queen awaiting her court, only her court didn't seem to care enough to turn up in the first place.

Get yourselves back here this instant or we're getting a divorce. Without a moment of hesitation she slapped Prick on the end of her mental message, which caused her husband to flinch.

She knew from experience that Rhys would now be chasing his brothers up the garden frantically, what she wasn't expecting was that the first male to stride through the doors was Rowan. He didn't look out of breath at all, although he must have been sprinting full out just before he slipped into the room like a perfect ghostly attendant.

The male dipped his head in acknowledgement to the Lady of the House before sliding gracefully into a seat at the other end of the table than where the Inner Circle liked to sit. Rowan was politely rearranging his loose jacket which must have been thrown over his closely buttoned shirt like nothing had happened. Feyre couldn't help but gape in amazement at his skill to appear so unruffled.

In much needed comparison the three other males burst through the door half a minute later, falling over their feet and desperately trying to button their shirts and coats. Apart from Rhys of course, who was dressed immaculately due to his magic. The High Lord obviously hadn't extended that courtesy to his brothers likely to make himself look better in their trio.

They had still been sprinting as they broke through the door, even Azriel's eyes were bright with exhiliteration of the mad run. Cassian stammered when he drew up, gaping at Rowan. "How in the Cauldron can you run so fast? As well as dressing at the same time?! You are one hell of a male."

A Visitor from Terrasen [Indefinite Hiatus]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora