Chapter 14

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Before I could get out of my Ruben's grip and calm my now furious boyfriend, down, he pulls out a gun. A fucking gun. Is he really serious? A gun? Since when did he get a gun? Why didn't he tell me? I was speechless. I had so many questions. I walk up to Tony and try grabbing the pistol.

"Tony what the fuck are you doing please put that down" I begged

"Tony please" he approached Ruben with no hesitation

Instead of listening to me, he pushes me out of the way causing me to fall extremely bad and hard. My whole family was scattered between the living room and kitchen since they were both connected. I heard faint yelling and screaming. So many people were trying to get the kids upstairs into the rooms which was blocking me from getting to Tony.

Then a fight broke out. My uncle violently took the gun away from Tony's hands. Tony was distracted with Ruben and Brandon trying to get at him. With two punches, I saw Brandon fall to the ground with blood all over his face. That's when I decided to get my ass up and take the pain and try to stop this. I put myself in between Ruben and Tony. But instead I got punched by Tony. Once again I fall hard to the ground. No one was helping me. Some were trying to escort their kids out of the room. Others were yelling and screaming terrified for their lives. Others were fighting for the gun.

I wiped my mouth and started panting. I tried to get up but I couldn't. Tony pushed me too hard. I groaned trying to get someone's attention but failed. The screaming and yelling were just drowning out my groans. Evrything was so chaotic. Everything around me started to get blurry. My heart started beating faster. I didn't know what to do anymore how worse could this get? I licked my lips slowly, my mouth had gone dry within a matter of seconds. My anxiety was skyrocketing. The hearing around me was fading.
A rush of emotions ran through me. Before I knew it, everything went black.

Edited: February 11

Published: February 16

Worse is coming- Nastya 🤠

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