Chapter 10

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I open my door snd rush downstairs only to reveal Stassie and Tony... just gossiping about tiktok shit.
(Haha I know y'all hate me for this one but I HAD to end off the previous chapter like that and start this one off like this. The chapter was getting a lil too long so I thought why not mess around with y'all 🤷‍♀️ anyways back to the story)

They looked up realizing I was there. I approach the both of them and Tony pulls me in for a warm hug.

"You look beautiful" he mutters softly

"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself" I chuckle

"So where y'all eating at" Stassie speaks up

"Well I'm planning on taking you to a ice cream place" he smiles. I swear everytime he smiles and shows his dimples it drive my stomach crazy with butterflies.

"So are you down" he playfully smiled

"Mhm" I mutter

"Yeah" he asked excitedly

"Yeah" I teased and mocked back getting closer to him

"Oh hell no save the kissing for the bedroom" Stassie walked away making Tony and I laugh

"Sooo are you ready" he asks. I nod and follow him outside to his car. He looked extremely attractive right now so I couldn't help but to just stare at him. Blankly. He turned around noticing the blank stares I would give.

"W-whats wrong is there something on my face, did I do something" he asks stuttering while clearly nervous

"Youre good you look fine I just can't help but stare" I admit looking away trying to hide my checks burning up

He raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. As I approached his car door to open it, he came running towards me opening the door. I thank him and get comfortable in the seat. We then drive off to where ever he was taking me.


We arrive to the ice cream place. It looked decent to eat at. Tony stopped the car and hurried over to my side and opened the door for me. Isn't he such a gentlemen? I thank him with a smile appreciating his small and kind gestures. He lead me to the place.

We walk in snd see at least 10-18 people eating. We walk up to the counter or register (what ever you prefer to call it) and look up at the menu.
"So is there anything you wanna try" he asks. I shrug and poke out my bottom lip as I think.

"Hello what can I get for such a good looking couple right now" she smiled fixing her siren. It took my a few second to process what she said bur when I got it, my face tuned red from the blushing that creeped upon my face. I look over at Tony's face focusing on the menu again trying to hide his blushing.

"Well"  tony sighed

"What is something you prefer for new comers" I ask cutting Tony off getting impatient
"Well you can get your own flavors over there" she pauses and points to a small corner in the shop where there seemed to be at least 7 machines with small table racks with ice cream flavor options and a rack with fruit toppings and candy toppings.

"Or you can simply order right here" she continues
"Well I guess we might just order here" Tony speaks. He looks over at me for reassurance. I nod and let him order. We both order the exact same thing. Vanilla ice cream with a strawberry donut.



"Well did you enjoy the ice cream" he says slipping his hand into mine

"I did, and Thank you for bringing me here and to the ice cream shop, I appreciate it Tony" I smile

Right now we where just strolling around a park

"Dude I haven't gone down a slide since I was 11" i day looking over at the purple slide that was connected to the monkey bars, a red pole, swings, etc.
"What are you saying" he laughs

"I wanna go down it" he chuckles at my childish thoughts. I let go of his hand a run over to playground. I hear Tony's chasing right after me.
"Are you sure your gonna fit in that" he raises and eyebrow i chuckle at him and flip him off. I hold on to the railing of the slide. Tony does the same.
" 1 2 3  GO!" I yell
We both slide down at the same time.
"wEeEeEeEeEeE" Tony says putting his hands up in the air and yelling like a 7 year old. Speaking of 7 year olds, we look like 7 year olds playing in a playground.
"I miss being a kid" i say getting up from the slide. He just chuckles and smiles at me.

"Let's go before someone walks by and gets weirded out by us" he laughs practically dragging me to his car.



We make it to my house and once again Tony rapidly hurries to my side of his car and opens it for me.

"Thank you" I simply say

We Approch to the steps of my porch.
"Well this was a fun night wasn't it" he smirks
"It was" I pause chuckling (y'all If I was given a dollar everytime I'd write the word 'chuckle' or 'chucking' I would be richer than Ariana Grande)

"And once again Thank you for taking me out on this lovely date I appreciate it Tony" i turn to him

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" he softly smiles

"Well my kind sir, this is where we part out separate ways" I fail terribly trying to say that in a British accent

He laughs at me. He gets closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist. We both grinned at each other knowing what we were thinking about. His smile slowly fades away as he stares at me. His eyes traveled from my eyes to my lips. And before I knew it, my lips were captured in his. We pull away as he gives me a cheesy grin. He pulled me into another hug. It felt like I could stay like this forever. He pulled away again.

"I'll see you tomorrow baby" he softly whispers

My face paints itself red as I process what he just called me.

"Okay bye" I say

"Sleep tight Maya" he says waving


please read Hello, hope you are having a beautiful day. I wanna say a few things. First, I have changed the year date in all my chapters from 2020 to 2019. It just make more sense for the upcoming events that are coming up in this story. Second of all, Thank you for 3k reads. It means a lot. It may not seem like a lot but it is. Like if you put 3k people in one room THATS ALOT OF PEOPLE, so again Thank you ❤️ Thirdly, I'm finally getting more motivated to write more often. So that's fun. And lastly, this is based off true events 🌝

Also credits to: -almightypush from her story "changes- lopez" for this chapter snd the previous chapter.

𝑀𝑢𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟// Tony lopez حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن