Chapter 5

375 8 11

April 24, 2019
6:53 pm

"Hey Nick (Austin, my brother) can you pass me some Hennessy" I asked

"Of course" he replied

Currently we were at Larrays birthday party. (Like I said Ms.Rona does not exist in this story so there will be parties left n right especially that one party where Tony will murder someone- 🤭 ✨ spoiler alert✨)

As I was sipping down my drink, I see Stassie approach Nick snd I.

"Hey whores, Thomas, Tony, Ondreaz, Ryland, Larray, Cynthia (Parker) , Josh (Richards) and Bryce (hall) all wanted to know if you two would like to join a game of truth or dare" Stassie smirked knowing damn well I would agree to playing

"I mean I'm down" nick shrugged

"I'm always down let's go" I excitedly said

Nick and I followed Stassie into this medium sized room which seemed like it was Ondreaz room. Nick closed the door and we all got into a circle. I sat in between Tony and Stassie while Bryce sat across from me. Thomas walked into the room with a glass vodka bottle and placed in the middle of the circle and then sat down in between Cynthia and josh.

"Well who is spinning first" spoke up Tony.

"I guess I'll spin first and how ever it lands in is the one who i does a dare or answers a truth" Larray stated

"We know how the game works" Stassie said with sass

"Ik but some of you bums are drunk so I'm just letting y'all know" Larray rolled his eyes

"Just start the damn game for fucks sakes" I said getting impatient

Larray spun the bottle and it landed in Cynthia.

"Truth or dare bitch" Larray asked

"Truth" she said m

"Pfft lame, I'll go easy on you though , are you a virgin" Larray asked Making the derby Ryan face. Everyone's eyes were on Cynthia as I could hear a few giggles coming from Stassie and josh.

"Uhh yeah" Cynthia responded uncomfortably

"Yeah okay you're lame" Larray gushed With sass

"This is boring and it's not even the second round but I'll spin the bottle I guess" I sighed leaning over to spin the bottle. It landed on stassie

"Ohh Oksy truth or dare" I smirked

"Dare I ain't no Pussy" Stassie said clearly high

"Okay give ryland and give him a lap dance in front of us" everyone laughed noticing how red Rylands face got

Stassie got up as Ryland got up as well. Stassie grabbed a chair out of a closet and pushed Ryland onto it. And there she was, Lap Dancing whilr Ryland was enjoying it all.

"Get it bitch" Larray said hyping her up. We all started cheering, laughing and clapping as we saw Ryland getting sweaty and clearly getting hard. Stassie stopped her lap dance as Ryland snd Stassie day back down, while we were still hyping her up.

"Damn Stassie you're pretty good" I cheered
Stassie as well as the others laughed.

"Alright next round" Ryland said blushing hard.

"Okay I'll spin again" Larray said. He spun the bottle snd it landed on Bryce.

"Truth or dare" Larray said jokingly wiggling his eyebrows. We all slightly giggle waiting for Bryces response.

"Dare, I ain't no motherfuckin pussy" Bryce responded

"Okay I dare you to kiss Maya" Larray dared as he smirked.

Everyone eyes were on me now. I slightly looked to the side and noticed Tony was a bit, disappointed? Weird. I have never seen him like that. Bryce leaned over to me, Puckering his lips.I leaned back getting very uncomfortable.

"Oh come on mamas what wrong" Bryce said.

My head started spinning like crazy. I wasn't even drunk. I may have had couple shots here and there but I was definitely sober.

"Come on Maya don't be a pussy it's a dare" Larray scoffed

"Right it's just a dare, it's not like you're gonna fuck him" Cynthia added

"You're so lame, just do It" I heard josh say.

"Come on don't ruin the fun" Stassie whined

"Just kiss him, it's that simple" Thomas stated

At this point, I was sweaty due to how nervous and uncomfortable I was, my head was pounding and I was I felt extremely anxious.

"Come in babygirl it's just a kiss" Bryce said getting closer to me

"You know what leave her the fuck alone" Tony spoke up upset. I felt myself starting to shake and hypervent a bit

"So what you wanna kiss her" Cynthia asked with Attitude

Bryce looked at me very unamused. He then leaned way realizing I was uncomfortable.

"Actually no Tony's right, I should just stop she's seems uncomfortable" Bryce said

"It's a damn kiss for fuck sakes JUST A DAMN KISS" Stassie said annoyed

"You're no fun maya" josh scoffed

Now, Tony clearly looked very annoyed and upset.

"Just kiss her she's probably acting this because she's drunk" Stassie slightly forced Bryce onto me. Bryce leaned back a bit but still puckered his lips getting closer to mine.

Everything became blurry for me.

"OH FOR FUCKS SAKES GET AWAY FROM HER DO YOU NOT SEE HER SHAKING N SHIT LIKE BACK THE FUCK UP" Tony yelled getting clearly angry towards Bryce. I never expected Tony to yell at someone for me.

"Calm down Tony she's fine" I heard Larray say.

I tried to get up and leave but I suddenly passed out and got caught in Tony's arms since he was right next to me.

𝑀𝑢𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟// Tony lopez Where stories live. Discover now