Part 4

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Everything around me is a blur, my vision focused solely on the man in front of me. He throws a blade at me, and it nicks me on the ear before I can dodge fully.
We've both landed a good amount of blows on each other, but I'm getting tired. This guy is totally ripped, and might have more endurance than me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jake freezing his opponent in ice while rushing a bystander away. Kira has trapped another villain in vines, knocking him unconscious.
I don't have time to analyze the others, changing my arm into a dragon's and punching the burly man in the stomach. He coughs a little blood, swaying on his knees. I take the opportunity to try and knock him out, but he grabs my leg and pulls me to the ground.
Damn, this guy is tricky.
Pouncing on top of me, he grips another blade in his hand, plummeting it towards my chest. His smirk disappears when a shard of ice impales itself in his hand, making him drop the blade to the ground to pull out the ice. I struggle out of his grip, turning into a small songbird and flying above him unnoticed. I turn back to my human form, dripping down on his head. I hear a satisfying crack once I land with his body underneath me, and I jump off to help Alex and Tessa.
Alex is struggling to keep his shadows in place, trapping his villain in a tight grip. I can tell he won't last long though.
I run over and ready a punch at the villains head, regaining my balance after I feel impact. Alex gives me a very cute smile and thumbs up, and I almost take the time to hug him. Unfortunately, my conscience says otherwise, and I leap over to Tessa, who's being strangled by a tall man. Fuck, she's not struggling anymore!
I sneak behind the towering man, kicking him where the sun does not shine. He doubles over, dropping Tessa to her knees.
I catch her before she hits the ground fully, whispering "fuck" under my breath. I shake her a little, then check her pulse when she doesn't move.
Thank the gods, she still has a pulse.
"Jake! Get over here!" I yell, knowing that he should be here for Tessa when she wakes up.
He's here in a flash, taking her in his arms. Alex and Kira gather next to us, worried expressions clear on their faces.
Jake looks on the verge of tears, so I try to comfort him a little.
"Hey, man. It's gonna be ok. She'll wake up soon."
He looks up at me, and I smile warmly. He mumbles a quick thanks and I stand up, pulling out my phone.
Why the hell aren't the pros here yet? Surely someone called them.
I walk a few feet away, calling a nearby hero agency.
"There's been a hero attack, where the hell are the pros?"
"I'm very sorry, it seems no one has called yet. I will notify pro heros in the area. Are there any casualties?"
"No, only my friends and I have small injuries. We have the villains captured as well, and we're at Blossom Avenue."
"Alright, help will be there soon."
Well, that's that. Seriously though, can't citizens and pros have a better communication system?
I hear a sputtered cough behind me, and turn to see Tessa sitting up, clutching her throat. Jake hugs her, and I think he might take the breath out of her. Again.
"Hey, Tessa. Welcome back." I say, helping her and Jake stand.
She smiles weakly at me, not attempting to talk.
Jake and Tessa hug again, and I move over to Alex.
"Hey. You good?"
He blushes, looking away. "Y- Yeah. You?"
I chuckle, pulling him into a tight hug. "I'm glad. I'm fine too, by the way."
I break away when I hear Kira's voice. "Hey! Stop making me feel bad about being single! Gonna make me barf..."
We all laugh, making our exit when some heros show up. We actually end up at my place, since it's close by. I'm honestly glad to be home. We order Thai food and watch cartoons for the rest of the night, cuddling with each other on my large couch.
Once again, I fall asleep on a blushing Alex. Still, I'm glad to be here with him, and my new friends. Finally, I feel truly happy for my new start.

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