Part 11

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Falling on top of the man, I clutch his arms harder. Earning another blood curdling scream, everyone turns to us. In a partially ignored corner of my mind, I register the surrounding fights coming to an abrupt halt.
I lean to his ear, growling. "You are not my father. I'll see you in hell, villain."
I tear a hand out of his arm, plunging it into his neck. Blood sprays across my face, staining my burned shirt and dripping down my talons.
I sigh, pulling out my other hand harshly and standing.
With a small chuckle, I tilt my head towards the frozen league of villains, now gathered around their leader.
I chuckle again, this time louder. "Thanks for the visit, Shigaraki. It was a pleasure." I sneer, before taking a running start and using my wings to propel me towards them.
Before Kurogiri can even activate his quirk, I appear behind him. So fast that it looks like a glitch, as my friends always say.
"So pesky..." I whisper, grinning as blood sprays from his slit neck. Letting my soaked hand fall, I move to my next target. I don't have anything more to say.
One by one I slit their throats, using only one sharp talon.
Once all bodies have fallen, I tilt my head to the clear sky and close my eyes. I feel calm, despite the chaos that took place only seconds ago. I flinch slightly when strong arms wrap around me.
Looking down, I see Alex's face buried in my chest. I hug him back, and the other crows gather around, smiling warmly and giving reassuring thumbs up. Yeah, I've gone a little crazy like this a few times before. After a moment of comfortable silence, I break away from the warm touch.
"Are you all ok?"
A few hums of confirms go around, and I turn away, satisfied.
"Oi! Snap out of it!" I shout to the frozen UA students, whose eyes are still wide and filled with fear and alarm.
They do so, taking in their surroundings for a moment. Their eyes gradually all land on the lifeless figures, and I sigh and rub my temples in anticipation of attempted scoldings.
"W- What..? H- How could you? Kill someone?" Uraraka stutters.
"You monster! Even if they were villains..."
"And how did you even manage, you damn Deku?!" Bakugo yells, eyes not only clouded by rage, but also fear.
Well, that's a good look on him for a change.
"Midoriya! Killing someone is extremely unheroic, and very uncalled for!" Lida waves his arms around.
I sigh for maybe the hundredth time this week. "Enough! As you might guess, I am not in the mood for your interrogations." I glare, scanning them for injuries. "Help each other to Recovery Girl while I call over the pros. Move it!"
They scramble up, limping into the distance. I pull out my phone, calling Nezu first.
"Hey, Nezu. We have a problem."
"Go on, Izuku."
"Villains attacked us. I sent the students to Recovery Girl, and the villains are restrained or dead. Can you get some pros to come help us? Police, too."
"Of course, Izuku. Thank you for handling the situation."
"Hm." I hum in response, hanging up and turning back to my friends.
They've already lined the villains up and are relaxing in the shade. I join them, letting Alex rest his head in my lap. I smile, thinking of how cute he is. All is good, until I hear:
"Problem child!" I slowly look over to see Aizawa storming over to us, eyes that practically glare a hole through me. "How do you always seem to attract trouble?! I swear, one of these days you're going to be the end of me."
I chuckle sheepishly, raking a bloody hand through my hair.
"Sorry, sorry. Everyone's fine, though."
"No, no. Not everyone is fine. You killed six villains! I- I don't even know what to say..."
"Hm. Well, actually, I have good reason."
Aizawa raises an eyebrow at this, and I catch a few worried glances from my friends.
"Well, you see... one of them was my father."
He gasps, and so does the detective and a few other familiar pros.
"What? I thought..."
"Yep. I just found out today. He wanted to recruit me, and attacked me when I refused."
"Damn. I guess... sorry, kid. I know it's not much, though."
I smile and close my eyes, letting sleep overwhelm me. I guess the adrenaline finally ran out.
"Don't worry, teach."

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