Part 10 (not edited)

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Benjamin's POV

"Crystal I need you to listen and listen good my love," I said to my mate somewhat sternly.

I use to laugh at guys who got nervous when proposing but damn here I was acting like one of them. Why is it so hard to say those four words? This is my mate, my Crystal, the one designed for me and I for her.

It could've just been the way she was looking at me that I tried pushing all my thoughts, feelings and emotions into the very core of her soul hoping she could feel what I am feeling.

Our moment was ruined by me quickly jumping to my feet and practically whisper-shouting at Crystal to get dressed quickly which she did as I asked as fast as possible and just as she finished zipping the back of her dress up I felt eyes on us.

"Well hello Crystal, long time no see," said an unfamiliar voice I didn't recognize and then laughed this evil laugh.

He stepped out from behind some trees and I watched the horror on my mates face as four giant wolves came out along side him.

This was not good. This was not good at all.

Looking around and surveying the perimeter I dont think our chances were good. What did they want?

Her uncle was not a very tall male. Probably about five and a half feet tall. He was in good shape and I could definately take him if this were a fair fight but this isn't going to be.

I mindlinked Kyle and quickly let him know what was happening. With the whole pack all being so far I don't think they're going to be any help to us.

"Uncle Mike, what are you doing here?" my mate asked this man.

"Oh dear Crystal," he said, "I told you I would make you mine sweetheart," he snarled at my mate angerly.

"And I told you I've absolutely no desire to be your Luna," my mate said to this man known as Uncle Mike. "And you can not have me as I have found my mate."

My mate bravely went on, "You will never have me! I know you killed my parents by hiring those rogues! F*ck you!! He was your best friend! He treated you like a brother and you had them murdered!!!" my mate was screaming now as tears poured down her face.

This whole situation infuriated my wolf more so then me and was ready to make an appearance and rip this dude to shreds. I can't say I didn't want to too. Come here on our special day and f*ck it all up and coming with the intention of stealing my mate from me? Lots of luck buddy cause it ain't happening. Not today. Not ever.

"B*tch you are going willingly with us or not willingly. Up to you," Mike snarled out evilly.

My wolf being extremely protective of our mate made his appearance before another word was said.

Less then a minute after I had shifted so did Mike. His wolf was small like he was and the four wolves flanking his every movement didn't help the situation. I guess when you're small like him you've got to bring the biggest to the showdown and damn these wolves were big.

All five wolves came towards Crystal and me. My wolf stood protectively in front of our mate waiting for one of them to make their move.

Two wolves went left while Mike and the other two wolves came straight towards my mate and me. My wolf growled in warning that he was getting to close.

"We can't leave Crystal unprotected," I told my wolf.

"No sh*t Sherlock," he replied. "We have no choice it's five against two."

He was right at some point Crystal would be left unprotected. She needs to shift and shift now.

As if she heard my thoughts my mate shifted into her orange-reddish wolf. Her dress laid in shreads around her. If we weren't in such a dire situation it would've been funny.

"I'm scared Benjamin," my mate minklinked me.

I wasn't sure how to reply because I really don't think we can win this.

Crystal's POV

"I'm scared Benjamin," I minklinked my mate.

Just as I finished that sentence Mike went charging towards my mate and instinctually jumped in front of her mate and snarled louder then I have ever heard her snarl. It halted my uncle momentarily but not the two wolves to the left of us.

The bigger of the two grey wolves dug their teeth into my mates shoulderblade and the other grey wolves bit into my mates hind leg. His wolf howled out in pain.

My wolf saw nothing but red and attacked the wolf on our mates back by digging her teeth into his neck with as much strength as  she could which killed him instantly.

Had being an Alpha's daughter my father trained me very well in fighting both in human form as well as wolf.

Having killed the wolf on my mates back my mate was able to shake the wolf off his hind leg but it went right back for another attack and some how managed to bite into my mates tail.

Just as I was about to help my mate my uncles jet-black wolve was in front of me.

As I stared into his icy blue eyes I tried to comprehend what he was going to do next.

No longer being in their pack I could not mindlink him.

He growled at me and I growled back just as fiercely and I readied my stance for whatever was to come.

Since I had killed one grey wolf that left the gigantic grey wolf, the two honey colored wolves and Mike's wolf, which means Benjamin and I might get out of this not to seriously injured.

As soon as I had finished thinking that thought I heard my mate yelp out in pain. As I looked off to the side where he was I saw one of the honey colored wolves biting into my mates stomach as he laid on his side on the ground struggling to stand up as the other honey colored wolf was latched onto my mates neck.

When I say I was scare out of my mind I'm not joking. Everything around me played out in slow motion.

As I stepped towards my mate to help him Mike leaped in the way and kept me from doing so. He shook his head no at me knowing my intentions. I couldn't help the growl that escaped me. How dare he think I wouldn't help my mate?

I looked where my mates was laying and he looked seriously injured. Blood was everywhere. My mate still struggled to get back up on his legs. The other wolf looked like it ripped his stomach open.

As I headbutt Mike in his face he didn't even budge or make a sound. I swear I saw his wolf grin a weird goofy evil grin (if wolves could grin) and then I felt something hit me in the side of my body which caused me to go flying several feet in the opposite direction of my mate. It was the damn honey colored wolf who had bit into my mates neck who was then laying on top of me.

"I've won Crystal," Mike said to me. "Your mate is dead."

I looked in the direction I had heard Mike's voice and there he was standing in all his glory staring straight at me. I looked away disgusted and towards the direction where my mate lay lifeless. My heart broke into a million pieces. How could this have happened?

"Please Crystal don't make me hurt you," Mike told me angrily. "NOW SHIFT!" he shouted at me.

I did as I asked and shifted. After shifting I was just as naked as Mike was and I was embarrassed and angry for only my mate's eyes should see me this way.

I don't know what came over me but I bust out crying hysterically which was not in my character.

"I'll go willingly Mike," I cried helplessly because I didn't know what else to say or do.

Mike growled as he noticed the other male wolves looking at me. "She is mine", he snarled at them and they all averted their eyes.

And off we went walking towards I don't know and leaving behind my injured or most likely dead mate. My heart was breaking into millions of pieces as I walked off into the unknown of what was to come.


(A/N: I'm soooo sorry if the fight scene was horrid. Never written one before. I do plan to make it waayyyyy better in the editing process. Any feedback would be amazing thank you).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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