Part 5 (not edited)

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Benjamin's POV

Last night was interesting. I still can not believe it even happened since it feels more like a dream. I can not wait to see my mate today. Sucks we're not in any of the same classes, Im going to have to see what i can do about that.

As soon as i woke up i felt the urge to rush to get to school and try to find Crystal. I want to spend as much time as possible with her.

I showered and dressed as fast as i could, grabbed a muffin and jumped into my car and headed to school. When i got to the school parking lot there was hardly anybody there. Man i must be pretty early. "She's not here," my wolf said to me disappointed. "Ya i can see that," I replied. I wonder how much longer till she gets here? Is she an early bird or is she always late?

Finally five minutes before the bell rang for class, I saw her get out of her car and grab her backpack from the backseat. I headed in her direction walking as fast as my legs would go. She looked amazing.

"Hey Crystal," I hollered when i was a couple car lengths away.

She turned around towards me and smiled that sexy smile of hers causing me to go instantly hard. Mmmm my mate is just stunning to look at. Today she was wearing a mini-skirt that was super short my wolf growled angerly. If we caught anyone looking at our mate today they will get an a$$ whipping. No one lusts my mate but me. I could almost see the bottom of her butt checks her skirt was so short. My wolf wanted to take her immediately and fought to break free but i got him under control. Her top was more tasteful and appropriate then that sinful skirt. She wore a light blue tank top with silver beading on it. I think she looks so yummy i could eat her.

"Benjamin, hey!!!" she said softly to me as we closed the distance between us. She didnt need to yell or anything since werewolf hearing is fantastic, she couldve whispered it and i still wouldve heard her.

"I thought i'd walk you to class if that's alright," I said to her as i took her hand in mine. Thankfully she let me and didnt pull away. I wasnt sure if she would change her mind about being my mate after having the whole night to think about it. I know i did alot of thinking last night and i decided that i want Crystal, now, always and forever. I will protect her and die for her if i have to. She's my whole half. She complete me completely. The thought of losing her pains me deeply and i wont let that happen.

"Ya that'd be great, will you sit with at lunch? Mine's fifth period, when's yours?" my mate asked me as we walked hand in hand towards Crystal's first period class.

"I have lunch period fifth period too, so i guess i'll see you then," I replied to her as we reached her destination.

I wasnt sure if i should kiss her or hug her. My wolf wanted some physical contact and i must admit it but i did too. When we touch in anyway, it does funny things to my body and it feels so good. "Just kiss her already," my wolf chuckled at me and with that I leaned towards her and placed my lips gently to hers. As soon as our lips touched she responded as well as wrap her arms around my neck and my wolf couldnt help but grin in satisfaction.

I broke away from the kiss sooner then i would have liked but i needed to get to my class because as of right now im going to be late, again.

"I'll see you at lunch," I said to her as i turned away from her and rushed to my next class. I suprisingly made it there on time with only seconds to spare.

I really can not wait till lunch, classes are going to be so....blah, without my mate.

Crystal's POV

I woke up this morning so completely and utterly energized, i thought i'd go for a run in wolf form. I headed downstairs, my uncle and aunt were still sleeping. They didnt say much last night in the car right home which i grateful for. They gave me space which is what i needed. I wish they were up so i can tell them that i've decided to accept my mate. I really hope i didnt embarrass them last night. I was so ashamed last night and i felt just awful with that little show we gave the pack house. Im glad this morning they are still asleep.

Mated To The Alpha's Brother Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ