Part 9 (not edited)

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Benjamin's POV:

Sitting in this confined car space beside my mate was driving me and my wolf crazy. She smelled so delicious I wanted to eat her up. She looked absolutely stunning. She always does though. My wolf and I could feel her emotions and she was nervous as hell which was putting both my wolf and myself a little on edge.

"Crystal my love what's wrong?" I asked her while I gave her a quick glance out the corner of my eye and saw her shift uncomfortably.

"Why can't you just tell me where we are going? You know how much I hate surprises," replied Crystal as she looked at me with those big beautiful eyes.

I knew exactly what she was trying to do and it wouldn't work this time.

"We'll be there shortly and don't give me those eyes love, you know it's not going to work this time. Plus we are almost there," I told her while trying to keep my eyes on the road but failing miserably as my mate was so sexy how could I not want to look at her?

"Fine," she whispered as she crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.

Damn did she even look hott doing that! How can one person be so sexy doing anything and everything or even just nothing?!

Concentrate....God she makes that difficult.

After driving a few more minutes we arrived at our destination.

"We are here," I said to her as I parked the car.

God please let her love this.

Crystal's POV:

"We are here," my mate said to me as he seemed to be parking the car.

I had been to anxious to take in how handsome he looked tonight. Though technically he always looks good to me. He wore his pullover skull hoodie and his favorite black jeans which hugged him nice in all the right places.

"Why are we here?" I asked my mate as I was getting out the car. "We could've just ran the woods closer to home," I said taking in our surroundings.

"Babe this isn't the surprise. Go behind that tree over there and shift into your wolf," Benjamin said pointing to a tree to my right.

Doing as he asked I went behind the tree and shifted into my wolf. She was extremely thankful to be able to stretch her limbs.

Coming out behind the tree I was greeted by my mate in wolf form. It never ceases to amazing how gorgeous his wolf is. His golden yellow fur always looked so shiny & soft and had I been in human form I would've petted him.

I love every single thing about this man I thought as I soaked in his wolf's appearance.

"Lets run my love," Benjamin said through mindink and off he went like a bullet.

"Damn thanks for waiting but I'll catch you, I always do!" I giggled though mindlink as I chased after him as fast as I could.

Moments later we were running side by side at a nice steady comfortable speed. My wolf was so happy to be beside her mate in this way. I think our mates wolf was extremely happy as well because we could feel our mates excitement through our bond.

The woods looked beautiful. Not being here before I was soaking in the sights and smells. I loved being alone with my mate and with nature.

"Hey love, slow down a little," my mate mindlinked me which startled me out of my thoughts of the birds chirping and how it was one of my favorite sounds in nature, besides the crickets and owls.

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