Part 3 (not edited)

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Crystal's POV

What do you wear to a pack meeting? I wish i could just stay home and go to bed but tonight i must meet the rest of the pack says my uncle. I hope everyone likes me. I bet im going to be pitied since my parents were killed by rogues. I hate when people pity me, nothing worse then that.

Finding a pair of denim jeans and a super cute top, i hopped in the shower and took a fast one. I hesitated getting out of the shower because i loved the feel of the hot water on my body, i was so stressed and nervous. I applied my make-up lightly and finished it up with a touch of lip gloss. Perfect. I looked pretty but not too pretty. I never really saw myself as a girly girl, I am more of a tom boy.

Looking at the clock, it was almost time to go to the meeting. Sheesh i wish i didnt have to. Im really not looking forward to being the center of attention. I'd rather blend in with the crowd but apparently tonight that is not going to happen. Times like this i wish i still lived at home with my parents. I miss them so much even though i feel like they never loved me like they should have and sometimes i think they regretted having me. My mom, she was so beautiful and always happy. Her and my dad were so madly in love it was sickening. I kind of hope i find someone to love like that. Someone who looks at me like im the only woman in the world. Someone to protect me and keep me safe. Someone to cry on their shoulder when im feeling sad and depressed. I want that sometimes but im afraid i'll lose myself. Can i love someone when im not even comfortable with myself, when i dont even love myself?

I wish my brain would just shut down so i could stop thinking. Im beyond stressed out and my brain is on over-drive. I hope tonight goes well and that i dont embarrass my aunt or uncle. I can be a little weird at times in awkward situations. I cant help it its just how i am.

When it was time to leave my aunt called me from the bottom of the stairs, "Hey Crystal, it's time to go."

"Okay, i'll be down in two minutes," I hollered back from upstairs.

Girl get it together, its not like their going to eat me alive.

I decided to drive to the pack meeting in my aunt and uncle's car because they asked me too. I would've drove myself so i could get out of there as soon as possible.

"Dont worry Crystal, everyone is going to love you," my uncle Bill said to me. I think he could see i was rather nervous, i felt like i was sweating buckets. Hopefully i wont pass out because that's how i feel right now.

"Im okay uncle Bill but thank you for caring. Im sure everything will be fine," I told him honestly.

"Sweetie, everyone is dying to meet you. We are so happy that you are joining the pack. It's not very often we get a new member," my aunt told me. "Dont worry about anything."

As we approached the pack house, i noticed that it looked kind of creepy from the outside. I dont know if its because it dark outside and there seems to be no light to guide our way down the long driveway. I guess with being werewolves and having perfect eye sight is not needing proper lighting. The property was gigantic, it stunned me how big it was. It was surrounded by nothing but the woods. The scenery was gorgeous too, it was something out of a fairy tale.

"Wow this place is sooooooooooo beautiful," I said outloud to no one in particular.

"It was built over one hundred years ago and hasnt changed much since then," My uncle Bill told me.

It didnt look that old. They must take care of this place. As we got closer to the pack house, my nervousness overwhelmed me and i thought i was going to have a panic attack. I dont think i've ever been this nervous. I feel like im falling to pieces.

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