Part 2 (not edited)

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Crystal's POV

My alarm clock went off exactly at six-thirty a.m. and i nearly threw it across the room since i just wanted to sleep in a little bit longer. I didnt sleep to well last night because i was so nervous about today. I layed in bed for another fifteen minutes before getting up to start getting ready for my first day of this new school. I am so not looking forward to it either. Everyone will be staring at me and asking me, "Are you the new student?" It's so annoying.

I took a long hot shower and washed my hair really well with my lavender shampoo and then washed myself clean. After taking my shower I got dressed in my black tight skinny jeans and a red tank top. I wore my Adidas sneakers since they are technically the only pair of shoes i own. Next i went downstairs and got some cereal and ate my breakfast. My aunt and uncle must still be sleeping since i dont hear any movement in the house at all. After breakfast I got in my car and headed to my new school. Once in the car i popped in my favorite Justin Bieber cd Believe and listened to As Long As You Love Me, my favorite song. I couldn't help sing along to the song and feel myself relax some.

Parking in the parking lot was difficult since it was packed full of cars and students. I eventually found a spot and parked. I got out of my car and headed into the building. First stop was the Main Office so i can pick up my schedule. When I entered the office a plump woman was sitting behind the huge counter.

"May i help you dear?" she asked me.

"Um, yes im the new student Crystal Wright ---," I started to say before she cut me off.

"oh yes dear, here is your schedule and a map of the school grounds. It's all very easy and im sure if you need help just ask any student and they will send you in the correct direction. Also here's the lock to your locker and here's the combination, Good luck my dear," the plump woman said to me with a huge smile on her face.

"Thanks for everything," I mumbled to the lady before heading out of the office.

Well she seems a little to happy this morning. I am totally not a morning person. Too bad i never liked coffee, it would probably help me be more alert in the mornings. I seriously wish i couldve slept better last night cause I would probably feel one-hundred percent better then how i feel now.

I found my locker pretty easily and put my backpack in it. I didnt bring anything to school except a pen and a notebook. I assume the teachers will give me my books today. Looking at my schedule I had Homeroom first till first period starts, which is Math...yuck, not my favorite subject. Second period is History, not too bad since im pretty okay in History. Third period is Biology which truthfully sucks since im just terrible at science. Thankfully fourth period is lunch and then after that I have Study Hall for fifth period. Lastly i have gym before i can finally go home.

Homeroom was fast since all they do is take attendance. Math went by super slow. Math is so stupid. It's definately my least favorite subject besides any type of science class. History class was ok and I kind of made a new friend sort of. I sat next to this girl named Michelle. She has beautiful long dirty blonde hair that comes to about her elbows and her eyes are so very blue they remind me out the blue sky on a clear day. Michelle is extremely skinny looking but it might be because she looks about four feet eleven inches. She was a tiny little thing. She looks rather young too. I wonder how old she is? After History class was over Michelle and i said our good-byes. She said she'd see me later. Biology I was a couple minutes late to but i think the teacher let it slide since im new. i sat down in the only available seat left. Everyone was looking at me. It made me uncomfortable. I dont like being the center of attention. No one talked to me so far today except for Michelle.

After Biology was over it was lunch time. Finally!!! I got in line and ended up getting just a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to eat with some potatoe chips. I sat down at an empty table and started to eat my lunch when i saw Michelle walking my way with two other girls.

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