Chapter 2: Mistake?

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Smut. Yeah I don't know what else to put, good luck and it's not good in the slightest. Enjoy

Elliot's Pov:

I did something wrong. I made a mistake... I think it was a mistake. About a month ago I got into a fight with my wife. She kept saying she wanted kids but I didn't want kids, not with her, but I couldn't figure out why. We met in highschool. I was on the football team and she was the head cheerleader, and we both came from wealthy families.

We started to date and soon my mother started to pressure me into proposing to her. My father didn't pressure me but he didn't stop my mother from pressuring me. I soon gave into the pressure and proposed to Leah a week after graduation. We got married a year later and have been together ever since.

We started having more problems because I worked a lot and she traveled a lot because she was a model. She told me she would do more local shoots if I spent time with her or had kids with her. She also didn't seem to like the fact that I had a cold exterior.

During one of our worse fights, she said she was going to stay with her friend for a few days to think over a few things. I wasn't as upset as I should have been, so I went to a bar to clear my head.


I was in this new bar that I've never been to. My friend Chase was with me and we spent an hour just talking and drinking beers. We got hit on a couple times by some women but we turned them down. As I was looking around the bar, my eyes landed on a man, more like a boy from how small he looked, who was dancing on the dance floor they had there. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't bring myself to look away from him.

He was absolutely mesmerizing, the way he danced, to the way he looked. I was brought out of my trance with a light lunch in the arm from Chase. "Hey dude, what are you looking at?" "Nothing." He didn't buy it. "Seriously dude, what is it?" I groaned. "It's nothing, I was just looking at the people on the dance floor." He still didn't buy it. "Ok fine! I was looking at that guy with the brown hair..."

His mouth dropped to the floor. "You know you're married right?!" He yelled. "Of course I know that!" I said, looking back at the guy dancing. "You know what, go for it." He said. I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" "Elliot, we both know that you don't love Leah, at least, not like you used to. Go home with that guy, see if you feel anything, if you do then great, if you don't then I don't know."

"That would be cheating Chase." I said as if it was obvious. "She's cheating on you Elliot, so if you do it, it's not as bad." I didn't like his logic, but I couldn't deny that I wanted to take the boy home. "Alright, I'm going to do it." I said standing up.

"Atta boy E!" He yelled slapping my back. I walked over to the guy. "Hello there baby boy." Did that just come out if my mouth? Whatever, it was too late to back out anyway. "Well hello to you too." He said giggling. God his giggle was adorable. As he was dancing he tripped and fell on me. His face landed in my chest, and his hands on my biceps.

"Be careful there princess, you don't want to get hurt." He smiled at me. "How about we head back to my place and have some fun baby boy?" I asked, trying to be seductive and act calm, hoping my nervousness wasn't showing. He giggled, "Why not handsome, lead the way." As we walked out of the bar, I saw Chase giving my a thumbs up. I just rolled my eyes at him. He was such an idiot.

I led him to my car and helped him into the passenger seat. "Buckle up princess." He pouted at me. "Can't." "Why not?" I asked. "Don't wanna. Can you do it?" He gave me puppy dog eyes and I gave in because he was too damn cute. I shut his door and got into the driver's seat.

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